“Maybe in Brain’s closet?” I suggested.

“You think so?” she gasped.

Jesus. “Uh, no, I was just being a smartass. I’m pretty sure the guys cleared the room before the cops came in.”

“The cops are here?” she gasped.

I was kind of surprised Ram had called the cops, too, but also not really. Hell, Greta had hooked up with a bounty hunter, and Luna was shacking up with a detective. Ram calling the cops was nothing compared to that shit.

“They are on the way. Ram was calling them when I headed back here.”

“Do you need to be doing something?” she asked.

I looked around my room. “Uh, like?”

She rolled her eyes and motioned to me. “Something MC-ish.”

I clamped my lips and tipped my head to the side. “What would something MC-ish be?” I wasn’t ready for what she said.

“Hide some stash or maybe even get some money.”

“Get some money?”

She flitted her hand at me. “You know. Money to pay off the cops if they try to take one of you guys’ in.”

“You watch Sons of Anarchy, darlin’?” I asked.

She wrinkled her brow. “I mean, yeah. Who hasn’t seen an episode or two.”

“That would be my ass.” I had heard about the show but never watched an episode. I lived the life; I didn’t need to spend my free time watching it on TV.

Her jaw dropped. “You haven’t seen Sons of Anarchy? You are legit Jax Teller in real life.”

I shook my head. “No fucking clue what you just said.”

She pursed her lips to the side. “You don’t seem the type to be into Jax, so never mind. And honestly, I need to focus on Kerry.”

“Well, I tried to help you, darlin’, but the only lead I have is dead. Maybe try going to the cops.”

“I did, and they said there wasn’t anything they could do because she is a grown woman who can do whatever she wants.”

“And they probably think there is no sign of foul play.”

Reese nodded. “Yes. Kerry, her purse, and her car are all gone. They said maybe she just got tired of living here and hopped in her car.”

“And rode off into the sunset?” I guessed.

“Yeah, pretty much.”

I didn’t know how much more I could help her. “Maybe you can talk to them now and tell them one of the last people she was with just wound-up dead.”

A knock sounded on the door. Reese clutched her hand to her chest and stepped behind me.

“You hiding?” I laughed.

She put her hand on my shoulder. “It’s the cops.”

“You psychic or something?” I chuckled. It was probably one of the guys wanting me to clean the blood stain off the wall once they took Brain out.