“If Brain is dead, then where in the heck is Kerry?” she wondered out loud. “Oh my god,” she wheezed out and fanned her face with her hands frantically. “OH MY GOD!”

“Reese,” I shouted.

She kept pacing back and forth as she blinked rapidly.

Jesus. Reese was not the person to have around in a crisis, it seemed.

“Woman,” I growled. I stood in front of her and firmly grabbed her shoulders. “Look at me,” I called.

She tipped her head back, and her eyes hit mine. “Oh my god,” she whispered.

“You need to calm down, darlin’.”

“Kerry is dead!” she wailed.

Oh lord, Reese was about to go off the deep end. “No, we don’t know that, darlin’. All we know is that Brain is dead.”

“But Kerry was with him,” she reasoned. Her eyes bugged out. “She didn’t do this! Kerry did not kill Brain,” she shouted. “She wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

I placed my hand over her mouth and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. “The thought didn’t even cross my mind, Reese, but if you shout that, you might give some people thinking she might have.”

Her eyes bugged out even more, and she shook her head.

“You gotta chill out, okay?” I whispered. I didn’t for a second think that Kerry had killed Brain. The guy was a part of an MC, and I knew that always put a target on your back. I barely knew what the Sons of Sin were into, but I would bet my bike that they weren’t on the up and up.

She blinked rapidly and nodded.

“Take a deep breath,” I ordered.

She breathed deep, and her shoulders sagged.

“I don’t know where your girl is, Reese, but I know she didn’t kill Brain. I saw him yesterday after the party.”

Her eyes lit up, and she pulled back from my hand. “Was Kerry with him?”

I shook my head. “No, he was by himself. He was talking to MW by the bar.” I hadn’t talked to him, but I knew that he was very much alive, and Kerry hadn’t been with him.

“So where was Kerry?”

Reese was just going around in a circle. “I don’t know, darlin’. I’m not her keeper.”

“Well, neither am I,” she growled.

“Then why the hell are you walking into a motorcycle club looking for her?”

She huffed and stepped back from me. “Because I’m a good friend who is worried about her. It’s not like her to miss one day of work, let alone three.”

“I believe you are a good friend to her, but I don’t know if the roles were reversed if she would be looking for you. She did leave you sleeping while she ran off with Brain.”

“Who cares? Do you only do things for people because they can do things for you?” she shook her head. “How about just doing things because it’s the right thing to do?”

“You’re right, darlin’.”

“You’re just going to agree with me that quickly?” she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. “You make sense. For the most part.”

She rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in the air. “Then help me figure out where the heck Kerry is.”