He lifted his shoulder. “I’ve got twenty-seven minutes until my last loaves of rye bread are done.”
“Hello?” a woman called from the front.
Blain smiled wide. “I can totally help that customer.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure you can. You can handle Jill, and I’ll take Thaddeus and Tanner.”
“I heard that,” Jill called from the front. “I know you’re just happy to see the boys, Reese.”
I smiled wide and grabbed the small white baggie from my decorating table. “Let’s go see your boys, and then we can worry about Kerry, yeah?” I had been driving myself crazy all morning thinking about Kerry. I wanted just half an hour where I didn’t dwell on her leaving me.
Thaddeus and Tanner could help with that.
“I called her. Twice. She didn’t pick up.”
Blain shrugged on his coat. “Should we be worried?”
I had no idea. Kerry was flighty, but this wasn’t like her. “Maybe?”
“You got a number for the guy she was with last night?”
I shook my head. “All I know is his name is Brain. And I doubt that is actually his name.”
Blain chuckled. “I think that is a good assumption, sweetheart.”
“The guy who ended up taking me home last night was Zig. I thought he was joking when he told me.” I moved from behind the counter and turned off the lights.
“You got a number for the Zig guy?”
“No. We didn’t really end the night on good terms. We both just wanted the night to be over.” At least that was the way Zig had made it seem.
“When does she work tomorrow?” Blain asked.
“She opens like usual.”
“So she’ll show up like usual, right?”
I hoped so, but I had also thought that she would show up today. “I’ll try calling her a couple of more times. She’s probably just really hungover and sleeping it off.” It was half past four, and while I hoped that was true, I didn’t think that was right.
Blain nodded. “I think that is a good idea, sweetheart. Call me if you hear anything from her, okay?”
I nodded and followed him out the front door. I locked it behind me and couldn’t ignore the bad feeling I had settling in the pit of my stomach.
Kerry will be in tomorrow.
She had to be.
Chapter Six
“Have they been feeding you?”
I laid back on my bed and placed my phone on my chest with the speaker pointed to my head. “Yes, mom.”