Now that was rude, but I didn’t want to get into it with him. I really just wanted to go home and forget about this night.
I lifted my leg again, and this time with the help of my hand on his shoulder, I managed to sit down on the seat.
“Put your arms around me.” He cranked up the bike and revved the engine.
I lightly put my hands on his waist and scooted back, so I wasn’t pressed against him.
He glanced over his shoulder and glared at me. He grabbed my hand on his left and pulled. My body slammed against his, and my other arm wound around his waist, and my hand landed on his stomach. “Hold the fuck on!” he yelled.
I wanted to pull away, but I didn’t want to deal with pissed-off Zig anymore. I kept my body pressed against his and both of my arms wrapped around his waist.
He kicked up the kickstand, and we rocketed out of the parking lot before I could catch my breath.
The urge to shout at him to slow down was on the tip of my tongue. I had told him I had never been on a bike before, and he was driving like I wasn’t plastered to his back, holding on for my life.
We thankfully pulled up to a red light, and Zig had the sense not to run it.
“What’s your address?” he asked.
“I’ll only tell you if you slow down,” I bargained. We would sit at this red light all night if that meant he wouldn’t drive like a madman.
“We didn’t even go that fast,” he laughed.
Bull crap! “Slow down, or we don’t move.”
He revved the engine. “Pretty sure I’m the one who is in charge of that, darlin’.”
He was right, but he could slow down for me. “Marcus street.”
“Number?” he asked.
“Slow down?” I countered.
“All right, we’ll drive Mrs. Daisy speed, okay?”
That was what I wanted. “Twelve seventeen.”
The light turned green, and my stomach dropped. Zig pulled off the line, but it didn’t feel like my head would snap off this time.
A way down the road, I could relax my arms a bit, but I kept them around his waist. I didn’t trust him not to get an itch and drive like a madman again.
“This better?” he called.
It was. So much better. “Yes. Thank you.” I could enjoy the ride and feel what people liked so much about riding.
You just felt free—the wind in your hair and the sense of nothing weighing you down.
And not that I would admit it out loud, but it was nice to have my legs and arms wrapped around Zig.
The man was pretty gruff and rough, but that somehow made him endearing.
What made him be like that?
I could see he had a softer side. He was driving me home when he could be back at the clubhouse partying.
But I didn’t like him.
No. Not at all.