Page 45 of Ashes

“My blood makes his powers stronger,” she mutters, glancing toward the window and the swaying trees.


“He saw what I saw.” She leans into my chest, then whispers, “We have to find him, Tanner. The voice told us to. The same voice I heard when I came to Phoenix Falls. Wehaveto find Sam.”

“Did the voice say why?”

Nova clicks her tongue. “No. But Sam’s part of this.” Her body goes limp as she fights back a yawn. “I know he is. We have to find him.”

* * *

In the morning, I leave Nova sleeping and go to make coffee. The others are all splayed out on couches in the living room. Except for Luther, who’s in the armchair.

He stalks over to help me, looking like he hasn’t slept a bit.

“Rev came through with the supplies,” I say, opening the cupboard to find sugar, coffee, and a bunch of breakfast foods.

“She did.” He folds his arms and leans back on the countertop.

“What’s happening in town?”

“Nothing good.” Luther sets out five mugs. “SDB have disappeared.”

“And that’s not a good thing?”

“No. It means they’re regrouping, or that they know something we don’t.”

“What else?” I drink down a glass of water, then fill another for Nova.

“Rev said everyone is on edge. People are behaving strangely. Getting into fights. Spells going wrong.” Luther rubs the back of his neck.

“Maybe because you and Mack aren’t around—”

“Seems bigger than that,” Luther says gruffly. “According to Rev.”

“What about Sarah?” I pour coffee into the mugs, adding cream and sugar for Nova.

“She’s going to stay with Rev a while longer.”

I hesitate then look over at Kole. “Is he okay?”

“He’s okay.” Luther breathes out hard. “Shouldn’t have been so fucking dumb. But he’s okay.”

I take a sip from my mug, then tell Luther what Nova said about her vision. He nods as I retell the story.

“Kole saw the same thing.”

“So, whatever happens next, we need to find Sam?” I ask.

Luther swipes his palm over his closely shaved hair. “Maybe.” He picks up his coffee. The others are stirring. “We’ll go check the perimeter. Come down when she’s awake. We’ll talk.” He flicks his eyes over to a large black holdall near the door. “Fresh clothes are in there.”

I pat his arm, give him a grateful look, then head back to Nova.

She’s waiting for me, legs tucked up underneath her, still wearing Luther’s tee from yesterday. I put the bag down at the foot of the bed. “Rev sent coffee and clothes,” I tell her, handing over a mug.

Downstairs, the front door clunks shut as Mack, Kole, and Luther head out for a morning check on the concealment spell.

She smiles, but her fingers are bothering the mark on her neck. When she notices me watching, she stops and puts down the mug. “Come here,” she curls her finger at me.