Page 11 of Ashes

At the same moment the waffles arrive, my cell rings. It’s Mack.

“Everything okay?” I ask, shoveling food into my mouth.

“Where are you?” Mack’s tone is off. Urgent.

I put down my fork and lean forward onto the table. “Following a lead about Nico.”

There’s a pause. Mack breathes out sharply. “You haven’t seen the news?”

“No, why?” I wrap my fingers around my mug and heat the now-lukewarm coffee inside.

“Someone released video footage from the stairwell. Nova… and Johnny.”

My grip tightens on the mug. The liquid inside starts to bubble.

“You’re not in it,” Mack says hurriedly. “I’m trying to get through to the Bureau now, but we’re preparing to leave. Can you get back here?”

I look at my watch. Seven a.m. An hour to wait. “I can’t leave yet. Give me three hours.”


“It’s important, boss.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “If I can’t make it back in time, and you need to leave, pack me a bag. I’ll meet you at the cabin.”

“All right.”

Before he hangs up, I add, “Mack?”


“Don’t leave Nico alone with Nova.”

Mack pauses as if he’s about to ask me to elaborate but has realized we don’t have time. “I’ll make sure of it,” he says, then puts down the phone.

* * *

When Sarah arrives, I recognize her instantly from the pictures online. Gray hair, pale eyes, pale skin, and wrapped in a knitted forest green cardigan.

Her eyes lock onto me, and she hurries over, clutching the cardigan in front of her. When she reaches me, she slides into the seat opposite and looks over her shoulder. She couldn’t be more obviously trying not to be noticed if she had a sign reading,Don’t follow me,on her back.

“Sergeant Ross?”

“Deputy,” I correct her. “But you can call me Luther.”

“Luther…” She nods and looks at my coffee. I wave for the server to bring us another mug. “I’m Sarah.”

I fold my arms and sit back. She has a plain face. Unremarkable. No makeup, slim, deep lines at the corners of her eyes.

“How is Nova?” she asks quietly. “I saw the news. She must be terrified.” She lets go of the cardigan and wrings her hands together. She’s wearing a silver cross around her neck. “After everything Johnny put her through, how anyone could think he didn’t deserve it…” She trails off. “Is she all right?” She repeats her question.

Unfolding my arms, I lean forward. “How about before I answer your questions, you answer mine?”

Sarah blinks several times, then nods. “Of course.”

“First, why did you contact me? How did you know I was connected to Nova?”

Sarah’s eyes dart over to the server, who’s finally bringing the mug. When it arrives, she pours a large cup and adds three spoonsful of sugar. She takes a long drink before answering me. “I came to Phoenix Falls. To find Nova. To check she was okay.”

I narrow my eyes. “Nova didn’t say anything about seeing you.”