Page 4 of Ours

Who the fuck was I kidding?

She was all Ieverthought about.

Getting her. Keeping her.Craving her.

The Charger slowed, then turned before Nick spoke. “We’re here.”

I opened my eyes, feeling like I’d been down forever, then I blinked and shoved my feet against the floor, driving myself upwards. A look over my shoulder, and I saw the shallow rise and fall of our father’s chest. He was still alive. I held on to that, not because I gave a fucking shit about his life. No. I cared about hers.

Nick pulled the Charger into the driveway and killed the engine before climbing out. I followed, rounding the car to get to our father from the other side. He was weaker, barely able to hold his own weight. We carried him up the stairs of the Rossi warehouse and back inside.

“I’ve got him.” I gripped the old man's shoulders, taking his weight. “Call Freddy, he’ll know what to do.”

Nick just gave a nod and slipped his arm away, dug into his pocket for his phone instead, and lifted it to his ear.

“Tobias…” Dad’s whisper was hoarse, drawing me away as Nick started to speak.

But I didn’t answer, just fixed my focus on Nick as he stepped closer to the window. My knees trembled as I gripped our father. I couldn’t hold him, not all his weight, and I buckled. We both hit the sink and slid down the cupboard, hitting the floor.

Nick glanced our way as he spoke, then hung up the call.

“I called.” He came toward us. “He said Laz is at some island off Africa. He’s dealing with his own stuff, but he knows a guy who knows a guy.”

He looked at dad. “So just hang on for a little longer, okay?”

“Youwillhang on,” I warned, turning my gaze to his. Because you need to tell us how to get her out of there.”

Our father licked bloodless lips and closed his eyes. “She’s in there now. Only a dead man can get her free.”

The last words were barely audible, but I still heard them. “What the fuck do you mean, a dead man?”


“Dad!”Nick knelt and pulled him up by his shirt. “What the fuck do you mean, a dead man?”

“Dead man…” Dad whispered, and slowly opened his eyes.

“Whatfucking dead man?”I roared, staring into my father’s eyes. After all he’d done…after all he’d done to me?“No.” I forced the word through clenched teeth and drew back my fist.

“T!”Nick roared.

But he didn’t know…

He didn’treallyknow…

The true extent of what this man was.



You were never meantto fall for her…

My mind was stuck on those words. I stared at the door, listening to the heavy thud of boots as they echoed, coming closer. Fear found me, but it wasn’t for me. I tightened my hold on her hand, drawing her behind me. “Stay close, princess.”

Ryth pressed against my side as the sound of steps came closer, growing in crescendo until they were deafening. I clenched my fists and shifted my stance, ready to start swinging the moment the door opened.

But it never did.