Page 15 of Ours

My gut clenched as T’s face rose in my head. T was dead…and Nick…Nick was…

“You have him, don’t you?” I met his stare, finding that fucking glint shimmering a little brighter.

“No…” Ryth whimpered.

I wanted to reach for her hand, but I couldn’t move. I was frozen by the curl of those hard lips. My gut dropped, falling hard.

“Where is he?” I forced out the words.

Still, he said nothing. I took a step closer and the guard moved with me, stepping in front and shaking his head. But I didn’t care about him. “I said, where the fuck is he?”

“Amber.” The Teacher held my stare.“On. Your. Knees.”

Movement came in the corner of my eye as one of the women stepped closer and stopped in front of me, then slowly sank to the floor. But this wasn’t about their training, was it? They already knew what to do with their mouths, and their hands, and their pussies.

No, this was about trainingme.

I didn't flinch, didn't move, as Amber reached for the buckle of my pants. I saw myself in this woman. I was made to perform, jerked and manipulated by men like this.


Killion’s voice resounded in my head as she unbuttoned my trousers. I glanced at the photo of Nick on the wall. The threat couldn’t be clearer…do this…or else.I closed my eyes…

My zipper lowered. My gut clenched. I was going to be sick…I was going to be…

“Perfect.” That sick voice filled the room as a warm hand closed around my cock. “This is the art of seduction, correct?” The Teacher spoke and all I wanted to do was throw up. “Where we empty the vessel of our own being and fill it with the pleasures of another. You do not exist in this moment. You are not here. It is only about them…their wants, their needs. You are nothing more than a mouth to suck and a cunt to fuck.”


I snapped open my eyes as Ryth whipped her hand backward and slapped Amber across the cheek. The woman fell sideways and her hand lifted to her face.

“Youfucking touch him!”Ryth jerked that savage glare to The Teacher, stabbing the air with a finger. “You fucking touch him, and Iswear to God, I’ll murder you all.”She glared at Amber and the woman had the good sense to cower.

My little sister moved in front of me protectively, just like I’d done for her. This time the roles were reversed…

Or were they?

That sick fucking smile on The Teacher only grew wider. “You don’t like the training I provide, Ms. Castlemaine?” He motioned to the floor at my feet. “Then by all means, fulfill the obligation yourself. Thisisour training exercise for the day and itwillhappen, whether you like it or not.” He stepped closer, towering over her.

I clenched my fists, taking in the sight. The coldness. The way he looked at her, like he knew exactly how she was going to react…because the bastard had planned this all along.

A wounded sound tore from the back of my throat. I shook my head as I understood this wasn’t about me. Nor was it about Nick or Tobias. It never had been. It was only about her. “Ryth.” My heart pounded. “It’s okay.”

She shook her head, still holding that bastard's stare. “No, it’s not. They’re not touching you, Caleb. They’re not touching you, becauseyoubelong tome.”

“Then by all means,” The Teacher murmured, his hand tilting, motioning for her to kneel.

Slowly, Ryth turned.

“No.” I shook my head.

What we had wasn’t meant for this…or them. Still, she fixed those stormy eyes on me and stepped closer, past Amber, who shoved back from us, clutching her cheek.

“Mine,” Ryth’s voice cracked as she stopped in front of me. “Only mine.”

My pulse was booming as she knelt and, lowering her gaze, reached for my pants. Her damn fingers shook, but Christ, if I didn’t want to take this over another fucking woman’s hands on me. I’d done some dark, fucked up things…but not that.I never wanted to do that.

She stopped, her hands shaking so fucking bad as she reached for me. It was all I could do not to come apart. “Do you remember the last time we were together, little sister?”