Page 131 of Ours

Tobias stumbled sideways, his eyes wide as he searched for Nick first, then me. One slow nod, and he turned and ran. “Nice shot, dickhead,” he chided as he tore past.

I wasn’t like Nick or T. Words were my weapons, not guns. Still, I spun and took aim at the gleaming black beast as the engine hissed and spat, shooting plumes of steam into the air, and loosed another spray of bullets before I whirled and raced for the open door.

“Youidiot!”Ben snapped at Tobias as he yanked the heavy chain and closed the heavy steel roller door. “You could’ve been killed.”

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t, was I?” T snapped back.

“Only for sheer dumb luck,” Ben growled, cutting a glare at T, then Nick, and finally, to me.

I saw then just how close Tobias had been to the head of the Stidda Mafia and it made me sad for the loss of that with our own father.

“In the back,now.”Ben gave a jerk of his head.



Bullets hit the steel door in front of us. We turned and jogged to the rear of the warehouse, skirting around forgotten cutting tables and fixed sewing machines that were rusted and ruined.

“They didn’t follow me.” Jack shook his head. “Iknowthat for a fact.”

“Why, because yourbuddyKing made sure of it?” Tobias snapped, giving him a savage glare.

Jack gave him a glare of his own.

“Jack’s right.” Ben twisted the handle on a locked office door. “First, they attacked you tonight at my home, then they followed us here.” He stepped back, dropped his shoulder, and charged.

The lock snapped and the door flew inwards, hitting the wall with athud.The hammering sound of bullets peppered the garage door, making Ryth flinch and look toward the sound.

“And I’m pretty certain they were watching you before we met.” Ben stepped into the office and moved to a small locked box nailed to the wall. He tried to open it, then stepped backwards, aimed his gun, and fired.


Ben moved fast, yanked open the box, and snatched a set of keys from inside. “So, if they tracked you from there to here.” Ben moved past us and back out the door. “Then it has to be one of you.”

“One of us, what?” T snapped, following him.

We all followed him, moving along a corridor to the rear of the building as the sound of gunfire grew louder from the front.

“That’s being tracked,” he finished, glancing at us over his shoulder.


I flinched as panicked thoughts pushed in as I turned my focus internally. I tried to remember what had happened in that place. Did they…did they do something to me? Ben yanked open a lock, reached around, and flicked on a light.

“Thank fuck I kept the damn power connected,” he muttered as he stepped around the chaos of discarded sewing and dyeing machines.

We all followed, leaving Tobias to close and lock the door behind us…until I sensed something and stopped, then turned around.


Ryth stood just inside the door behind us.

Ryth with her gray-blue eyes impossibly wide.

And that darkness in her stare.

The kind of darkness I took care of for her.