Page 120 of Ours

“Princess.” Caleb reached out for me.

But I stepped out of his reach as Nick flicked the bedroom light on and turned to me. All I saw was guilt.

“What she writes doesn’t make a whole lot of sense,” he started. “There’s some things in there that are pretty fucked up…things I don’t think you should read.”

I didn’t care what he thought. I needed to know. “Do you have the diary?”

“Little mouse,” T protested.

I snapped my glare his way. “You fucking lied to me. At best, you hid the truth. You were the one demanding honesty, and now I find out you’ve read…this diary. So, I’m going to ask you again, and so help me God, if you tell me a goddamn lie, I’ll kick you right in the balls.”

He didn’t flinch at the threat.

But his stare grew darker. “I don’t want—”

“I don’t give a fuck, T. Answer the question. Do…you…have…the…diary?”

But it was Nick who answered, Nick whose shoulders sagged as he nodded. “Yes.”

“I want to read it.”

I waited for him to fight me. He didn’t. Instead, he reached down, grasped his boxers, and tugged them on. “Then you’re going to want to get dressed,” he muttered. “Because I guarantee, once you start there’ll be no more sleep.”

A tremble raced through me as he reached for his jeans.

Then I followed.



My ring clinkedagainst the tumbler as I lifted the rim to my lips and swallowed the top-shelf Jack. Lights flickered on the monitors in front of me. The screen on the far right was divided with the black-and-white livestream footage around the outside of the house. The one beside it was mostly shadows. But every now and then, movement danced at the edges, just out of view. But those I watched were mostly asleep. Just like everyone should be asleep…

Everyone, except for her.

I shifted my gaze to the other screen in front of me, the one I watched in full color. It was the only one whose occupant was still awake…and right now pacing like a lioness in her room. She thought she was clever, thought she was brave. But she wasn’t. She was my pliable target. My defiant, headstrong weapon. I’d use her…use her to get what I wanted. I’d use her to obtain my control.

I’d break that will in her.

Crush it under my own hunger.

And feed it like a drug back to her.

I’d give her just enough.

Just a taste of freedom.

A lick of love. Enough for her to obey me.

I crossed my legs, watching her glance over her shoulder to the fake camera installed in the corner of her bedroom, then turn back to the door before testing the lock. The toughened steel held. The camera narrowed in on her face. Dusty lips, brown eyes. Hellcat, that’s what my sons called her…hellcat.

She was a little hellcat, wasn’t she? I dragged my teeth across my lip. A hellcat that required taking. She looked so much like her father, the same brown eyes and searing gaze. I caught the movement of her lips as she snarledsonofabitch.

A tight quirk came at the corner of my mouth. If only she knew…

I reached out with my other hand and caressed a key on the keyboard in front of me, then glanced at the other monitor at my left, the one that watched every angle of the inside of the house, and weighed the consequences of what I was about to do.

Just like I did every time.