Page 10 of Ours

But it wasn’t glass, that felt like fire. It was…it was…knowing Tobias was dead…and it was all my fault.

All my fault. The words resounded and I couldn’t stop them.

All my fault.

All my fault.

I closed my eyes.

All my—

“Ryth,” Caleb pleaded, his voice just as husky and raw as mine. “Say something.”

He rubbed his hands along my arms, trying his best to draw me back. But I couldn’t come back. I was trapped here, locked in Hell, where I wanted to scream and keep screaming and until I could kill the men who'd taken Tobias from me.

Your stepbrother is dead.

Your stepbrother…is dead.

Your stepbrother—

The snap of a lock came before Caleb’s hand clenched around mine. But I didn’t care. They could bring in anyone they wanted. It didn’t matter what they did to me. They couldn’t hurt me anymore than they already had.

“Out.” The sharp bark came.

Caleb rose in front of me. His raw words pushed into the ache. “Where are you taking us?”

He tried to protect me, tried to comfort me. It should bemecomfortinghim. After all, it washisbrother.

Little mouse…

Tobias’s voice filled me. I inhaled, reveling in the ache that followed.


I flinched with the word and shook my head. I couldn’t fight. I was done withfighting.Why bother? I only ended up here anyway. In the place my mom had sent me.

“Now,” the guard demanded.

“Ryth,” Caleb croaked as his fingers brushed my cheek. “We have to go.” I opened my eyes, finding that tortured stare. “We have to go, princess.”

I slowly shook my head. “I can’t…you go. Just go, Caleb.”

Anger sliced through the pain. “Like hell I will.”

He leaned forward, grabbed me under the arms and heaved me from the floor, pulling me against his bare chest and lifted. I wound my arms around his shoulders and buried my face in his neck, sinking into the heat of his body. His muscles corded. His breath was a rush as he held me tight.

Your stepbrother is dead…

Your stepbrother is…dead.

I closed my eyes under the glare of the hallway lights and wound my legs tightly around him as he carried me from that room. The heavy thud of boots echoed before the click andthudof the automatic doors. Locked away. Just like I was before, only this time I didn’t have Vivienne.

I thought about her as we turned a corner and headed deeper into this pit of vipers. Did they find her? Did they drag her back to this place? Or was she free?

Free…free of what? There were more versions of this Hell out there. I was sure of that.

“Stop,” the guard growled.