Page 87 of Ours

I pushed up from the sofa, stumbled sideways, and hurried for the door.

“Goodnight, Vivienne,” he murmured at my back. “Sleep well.”



The stackof sterile dressings blurred on the counter in front of me. My hands trembled when I hit the faucets and squeezed antiseptic wash into my palm before scrubbing them. Tobias’s dressings were changed, his wound flushed pink and healing…and for some strange reason, I was proud of that.

“Little mouse!”Tobias bellowed.

My head snapped upwards at the sound.

“You better be drinking!”

My lips curled as I shifted my focus to the almost full bottle of electrolytes on the counter beside me as I rinsed, turned off the water, and called out. “Doing it now!”

“Better be,” he snarled from the bedroom. “Don’t make me spit it in your mouth.”


My body pulsed after this morning, pushed to its limits by all three of them, and I was now feeling the aftereffects, especially from Tobias. The man was…insatiable.

I grabbed the bottle and tipped it to my lips. The slightly salty taste of berries slipped down the back of my throat. It hadn’t been just the sex. Tobias needed me…

Touching me.

Murmuring to me.

His love blindingly real.

And consuming.

I swallowed again and again, until my belly was heavy, then swiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “All gone!”

“About time,” he muttered from the doorway, those dark eyes fixed on the empty bottle in my hand.

I jumped with shock, staring at his bare chest and black boxers. “Jesus, T. You scared the shit out of me!”

He barely limped now, striding forward until he pushed me back against the counter. That flicker of fear always came when he looked at me like this. My stepbrother was an undeniable force. He reached up and brushed a strand of hair from my face. “The next time you hide your exhaustion from me will result in a spanking, got it? One that you won’t enjoy.”

Heat flushed, and my lips curled as a chuckle tore free. “Yes.”

“Good.” He wasn’t joking when he said it. Then he captured my chin, tilted my face to his, and kissed me soft and slow before pulling away. “You taste like fucking berries…and I love it.”

The sound of skidding tires invaded, making him scowl and jerk his stare to the doorway. “What the fuck?”

Rocks peppered the side of the cabin, sounding like a spray of gunshots. But the car’s engine didn’t switch off as the thunder of heavy boots descended.“They’re coming! They’re COMING!”Nick roared.“WE LEAVE NOW!”

Tobias moved toward the doorway.

“Ryth! RYTH!”Nick screamed my name.“Where the FUCK is she?”

“I’m right here,” I cried as Tobias strode out of the treatment room and slammed into Nick tearing along the hallway.

“Whoa!” Tobias grabbed hold of Nick as they stood in the middle of the hall. “She’s right there!Look!”Tobias pointed my way. “She’s right there, brother.She’s safe.”

But Nick jerked his gaze to mine. I saw fear,consuminghim.His nostrils flared, those golden-brown eyes wide. “We gotta leave,” he gasped.“Now.”