Page 80 of Ours

“What the fuck?” Nick whispered.

“They tried to break us, forcing us to believe your life hung in the balance. They wanted to use me…to make me…perform for them. But they couldn’t, because of my father.”

“He threatened them,” Tobias clarified.

I gave a slow nod. “So they hurt me instead, making a woman kneel for Caleb. She almost…she tried to…”

“Fucking bastards,” Nick growled. “They made Caleb fuck a woman in front of you?”

I held Tobias's stare. “No.” That same panic rose. “I would never let that happen.”

“So you did it instead, didn’t you, little mouse?” Tobias whispered. “You fucked him in front of them.”

“I kneeled for him, yes.” I couldn’t stop this crash, no matter how hard I tried. “And in those moments when I was broken, when I thought my mind had shattered with the loss of you, he brought me back. Touching me, drawing me back to my body. Because I can tell you, Tobias. My heart was the last thing I wanted to be anywhere near.”

His powerful chest rose on a massive breath.

“I wanted to die,” I whispered. “I prayed for it, screamed for it…I…”

His chest stopped moving.

Stopped rising.


“He brought me back, dragged me by his touch and desperation.”

“And you clung to him,” Tobias whispered. “You clung to each other.”

Tears welled, blurring his face. Tobias took a step closer, so close his chest pressed against mine. He leaned down, making sure I understood this was what all this was really about. “Now I want to see how he fucks you, how he is the one you run to when your world is falling apart. How he—” He stilled, sucked in a breath, and continued. “How he gives you something I don’t.”

“Then in that case,Iwant to see howyoufuck her,” Caleb declared. “Howyou’rethe one she goes to for comfort and not just sex. I want to see howyougive her that. Because,brother, while she clings to me, fighting the darkness of that place, she is forever occupied by you. Just in case you don’t see that.”

Tobias jerked his head up, those dark eyes flaring wide as it slowly dawned on him.

“She needs us…all of us,” Nick added, turning to me. “Don’t you, princess? Each of us in our own way.”

I nodded, the roar of my pulse deafening in my ears. “Yes. I need all of you.” I looked at each one. “In your own way.”

Nick shook his head slowly, and chuckled. “You are both the death and the making of us.”

“As you are to me,” I whispered.

“So, the question is, little mouse…” Tobias leaned down to whisper against my ear. “Areyougonna begood for us?”

Good for us?

My breath quickened, mingling with the fluttering of my heart as he pulled backwards.

“What?” I glanced at the others. “Now?”

“Now,” Tobias answered. “Unless you have something else on your schedule?”

I swallowed hard. I didn’t and he knew that.

“You want us to move past this,” Nick added. “Then this is how. Weallwatch, weallparticipate, wealltake care of your needs.”

That wasn’t a request…it was an ultimatum.