Page 79 of Ours


That’s what was at stake. He’d done it for me.

“And that’s what got me in.” Caleb glanced at me, his vice softening. “And Ryth out.”

“Until you fucked it up,” Tobias finished.

We’d almost had him, almost pulled him back to us, until that last moment.

“That was…ismy only regret.” Caleb met his brother’s stare. “If I could go back and do things differently…”

“We’ve all done things we regret,” I added carefully as my own screams of rage came roaring back. The way I’d hit Caleb, the way I’d hated and trusted…

“You killed, T,” Nick’s voice was so quiet I barely heard it. “I stood there and watched you kill a man.”

But Tobias did hear, and slowly turned to face Nick. He was so cold in that moment, so utterly fucking terrifying. “A number of them, actually,” he added. “And I’d do it again. I’d kill and I’d keep on killing, I’d leave a river of fucking blood, brother. But there is one thing I’dneverfucking do, and that’s putherin danger.”

He shifted that deadly stare my way and his control trembled. “Because if I did, the next man I’d kill would be myself.”

His love was murderous, and consuming.

My heart throbbed hard in response, even as he held my stare and asked. “But that’s me, isn’t it, C? It’s not you. Not the dominant lover she needs, right?” He looked from Caleb to me, and I saw fear in his stare, real fear. The kind I never thought I’d see in someone so threatening. “I want to know what happened between the two of you.”

I flinched and snapped my gaze toward him. “What?”

He dropped his hand from the middle of my back, distancing himself. “I need to know how he saved you.” He rubbed his jaw. “How he…”gives you what you need.He didn’t have to say the words, because the air was charged with them.

For a second, I couldn’t speak, unable to stay the words he so desperately needed to say.

How could I put it into words?

I closed my eyes, praying Caleb or Nick would say something…anythingto fill the void.

But they didn’t.

I winced. Because this wasn’t their truth to tell…it was mine.

My throat thickened. I swallowed the fear.

“You’ve got my heart in your hands, little mouse,” Tobias whispered huskily. “Careful there.”

I opened my eyes as a charge ignited inside me. Love. That’s what this was. Ground-shaking, heart-tearing,all-consuming love.Tobias wouldneverstop choosing me. I saw that now, saw it all in that dangerous, moody stare. He wouldneverstop loving me, fighting for me, …bleeding for me.

My voice trembled when I spoke. “He protected me. He…” I licked my lips. “Lured Killion away from me by touching another woman, by telling her exactly what he wanted to do to her…”

“To you, Ryth. They were all the things I wanted to do to you,” Caleb cut in.

But Tobias never looked away from me. “Let her finish, C. Go on, little mouse. I want to hear everything.”

It all came pouring out of me and I couldn’t stop it. “I thought he’d betrayed me. Thought he…wanted her. I didn’t know what felt worse that night, the image of his hands on another woman…or the one of his back when he left.”

Caleb shook his head and turned away.

But I couldn’t protect him, not at that moment. I had a heart to save. “But he came back, and after that…day with the both of us, I knew how much he’d risked to save me.”

“And when you were back there?”

A pang tore across my chest. “When we were back there, they told us you were dead…and that Nick was captured.”