Page 73 of Ours


“You can say that again.” I placed the untouched pie on the counter.


He started talking, pulling down vials and sliding sleeves of pills from locked drawers before he stopped. “You haven’t heard a word I’ve said, have you?”


“Sorry.” I gave myself a shake. “I’m listening, I am.”

He gave a small smile. “It doesn’t matter.” He glanced toward the window. “Go to him. That’s the key to survival, anyway. Find your people and hold onto them.” He reached toward his piece of pie.

I started toward the door. “I will, thanks, Doc.”

He gave a chuff and shook his head. “No problem.”

When I stepped out of the room, instinct made me glance toward the door down the hall. The pie was gone. I didn’t know why that small thing made me feel a little more secure, but it did. If he had the pie, then maybe we were okay, somehow? I held onto that hope and hurried out, leaving everything behind.


I headed for that sound and found Nick beside a chopping block back against the trees. Sunlight shone on his hard chest, drawing my focus to the white bandage on his side before I met his gaze.

Pain and desperation mingled as he gripped the axe and sucked in hard breaths. I took in his golden brown eyes and the dark hair that had grown in the months we’d been together and was now long enough to stick to the sweat on his temples. He stood tall, his long, muscular body so fucking perfect. I’d never realized how beautiful he was until now.

“He had pie.” That’s all I said, standing there like an idiot. Pain and desperation swirled inside me as I stared at my stepbrother in an exhausted and confused haze. “At least he had some pie.”

Nick seemed to understand, glancing behind me at the open door, then at Caleb as he approached from the parked cars. There was a twitch in the corner of his eye, a blink before he looked away.

We kept busy, trying our best to avoid saying anything that would only inflame the situation. When the sun began to set, I went inside and helped prepare dinner. Steaks were cooked on the grill, with steamed vegetables and fluffy mashed potatoes.

I carried a plate to the bedroom door and knocked gently. This time, he opened it, took the plate from my hand with a sad smile, and handed me the one from before.

“Little mouse,” he started when I turned.

I stopped. “Yeah?”

“Will you sleep in here tonight?”

I turned around. “Do you want me to?”

He gave a small nod. “Yeah, yeah, I do.”

It was a start, so I gave him a smile. “Then I will.”

“Good” He gave me a smile in return and lifted the plate. “Thanks for the food.”

I nodded again. “Anytime.”

We were almost like strangers. Civil. Careful. That hurt more than anything. This man had grabbed me with both hands and dragged me into his world filled with angst, love…and desperation, yet still I craved more. But there was a sadness about Tobias. One I didn’t know how to heal.

I left to sit with the others, taking a few small bites when Nick and Caleb glared my way, then helped clean while Lucas grabbed extra bedding and Caleb started a fire. It hurt my heart to see him set up a bed on the sofa.

“Don’t worry, princess.” Caleb brushed the hair from my face. “The fire will keep me warm. You look like you could do with some sleep. So go, we’ll fix this tomorrow, okay?”

I hated leaving him, but I did, nodding before I followed Nick into the room we shared with Tobias. He was lying in the dark, waiting for us, watching as I stepped into the bathroom, wound my hair on top of my head, and stepped into the shower. I wanted the banter, the ridicule even, not this…the quiet was too cruel.

After Nick stepped in, I dried and dressed in one of his t-shirts before climbing into bed. Tobias lifted the comforter for me, then rolled over and gave me his back. I snuggled against him for a moment, then leaned forward to kiss his shoulder.