Page 6 of Ours

Without missing a beat, he spoke. “Your stepbrother is dead.” He watched her like a hawk. “Yes, I’m afraid Tobias won’t be coming to rescue you, Ryth. No. He won’t be coming at all.”

Everything moved in slow motion. My knees trembled, but I forced myself to turn and face her. “Ryth,” I whispered, my focus on every glint…and every twitch.

“No.” She shook her head.“NO.”

Rage burned, but I swallowed it. “It’s going to be okay.” I lifted my hand to her face.

But she pulled away, and that hurt more than anything. “No.Don’t you touch me!That’s not true…that’s NOT TRUE. Do you hear me?”she demanded, her eyes growing wide. “No. Just, no.”


There was a tremble of her lips as her voice thickened. “No, Caleb,” she whispered and tears shimmered in her eyes. She looked at the bastards watching us, and then just…cracked.

I lunged as her knees gave way, catching her in time. Her pain was a shotgun blast to my chest as I pulled her against me. Cold, hard rage followed, the kind that’d made me a murderer. But this wasn’t about my anger. It was about her.

“We’ll get through this…” I grasped her chin and turned her gaze to mine. “You hear me? Wewillget through this.”

It didn’t matter that she'd only been in our lives mere months. Because it felt likeforever…

Forever that she’d been in our hearts.

And forever that we’d been in hers.

Tears slipped from her eyes as she turned her head. She saw them and, in an instant…her anguish unleashed.“You BASTARDS!”She tore from my arms and lunged across the room.

But The Priest and the guard were already striding out of the room. She hit the door as it closed, her fists slamming against the tempered glass panel. “I’llkill you!”she screamed at them.“Do you hear me? I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!”

Her screams resounded as she slammed her fists against the door.“I’ll fucking kill you! I’ll kill you…I’ll fucking kill you all…”She stopped beating her fists against the door, and slumped against it instead.“I’ll fucking find you…”

Brutal, rasping gasps consumed her.

I closed the distance, grabbing her and pulling her into my arms.

“I’ll kill them, Caleb,” she whimpered without even looking at me.

“I know, princess.” I stared through the glass at the empty hall. “I know.”




T unleashed, driving his fist into the side of Dad’s face. One look at my brother and I knew there was no stopping him, not anymore. He was a mask of malevolence. A weapon of fists and fury.No.He was a fuckingproduct. And what they'd created when they gave Ryth to us.

My breath stilled, a burden in my chest.Our sister…

“Youwillfucking tell us how to get her out of there!” he screamed. “You hear me?You WILL fucking tell us!”

My brother was a man possessed. Dad’s head snapped to the side with the blow. T struck again, his time hitting him in the mouth. The result was instant. His lip split open and blood welled down his chin.

“T,” I rasped as dad’s head lolled backwards.

“Youwilltell me what I want to know!” Tobias roared, wrenching our father forward.“You will fucking tell me!”

Dad’s eyes fluttered, then opened. He stared at my brother as though he was a stranger. “You…” he whispered, his eyes falling closed again. “Were never meant to fall…for her.”

T froze with the words, one hand fisted in Dad’s bloody shirt and the other cocked in the air. “What the fuck did you say?”