Page 47 of Ours

“Tobias?” I whispered, moving further into the room and closing the door behind me.

There was no answer. I took a step, then another, reaching out so as not to hit the machines, until the hoarse whisper came through the dark. “Scurry… scurry, little mouse.”

I jumped, my pulse pounding. “You scared the shit out of me.”

In the faint glow of the monitor, I caught the curl of his lips. “Can’t sleep?”

I moved closer. “I did a little. But I can’t now.”

He gave a nod, stilled for a second, then gripped the edge of the bed and shifted to the side, enough for me to lie beside him.

Because it was always for me.

I was careful as I climbed up and swung my feet, but I bumped his leg and he stiffened. I winced, searching his face. “Sorry.”

He gave a nod, then he lifted his arm, letting me curl against him.

“Sleep, Ryth,” he murmured, closing his eyes. His voice was etched with exhaustion.

I did, drifting…

But I didn’t for long, opening my eyes to the darkness. Peace slipped away, leaving me to listen to Tobias’s heavy breaths. I loved that sound…I craved that sound.It was the sound of life, of comfort, driving away all the things that had happened to us. Everything hit me all at once. Mom. Dad…I lifted my gaze to T's peaceful face. Him. I'd almost lost him…I almostlost…

I shoved the image of him lying on the ground outside the diner aside and slowly rose, making sure I didn’t wake him. Instead, I slipped from the bed and padded out of the room.

It took a second for my eyes to adjust as I headed out of the hallway and stopped. Moonlight spilled through the kitchen window. The soft glow was enough for me to find a light switch. Overhead lights blinked on. I looked around, taking in the wood and stone of the sleek, expensive rustic kitchen. The entire cabin was like this, well maintained, neat, and earthy. I traced my fingers along the gleaming countertop, stopped at the sink, and stared out into the night.

It was still early, too early for me to be awake. The moon was low and ripe in the sky, spilling through the edges of the forest. I looked down at the dirty dishes in the sink and almost sighed with pleasure to have a purpose. I set to work, filled the sink with water, and started washing.

I opened cupboards, searching until I found a pot and ground coffee. Before long, the heavenly, heady scent of fresh coffee filled the air. I poured myself a cup, warming my hands on the mug before sipping, oblivious to the thud of steps behind me until someone carefully cleared their throat. I spun, eyes wide, and found the doctor from last night…Lucas…right behind me.

“That smells good.” He gave a weak smile and nodded to the machine. “It’s unusual to find somebody up earlier than me.”

I smiled, swallowed my damn heart, and slowly nodded. “I couldn’t sleep,” I answered, turning to pour him a mug before handing it over.

“That’s understandable.” He took a sip, then closed his eyes. “Oh, that’s damn good.”

“I figured we’d need it strong.”

He opened his eyes and nodded. “It’s a staple of any doctor’s diet.”

I watching him, his hands, his demeanor, remembering how careful and focused he'd been last night working on Tobias. “I never said thank you.”

He smiled and shook his head. “No need. It’s my calling. He’s okay now?”

“Asleep,” I answered.

He gave a nod, sipped his coffee, and slowly lowered his cup. “It seems you’ve made quite the impression with my sister.”

Kit. She was a damn blinding light, making me smile as I drank. “As she has with me. She’s lovely.”

He nodded carefully. “She is.”

“And she’s lucky to have someone like you looking out for her.”

He said nothing, just drank, thinking about that. “As are we. We would’ve—we would’ve lost him without you,” I continued.

His brown eyes darkened. There was an ache there, one that hit me hard. “It’s a very dangerous game you’re in. I’ve seen far too many deaths.”