Page 42 of Ours

Mounds of fallen leaves stacked against the outside of the cabin, blown in from the trees. The place evenfeltempty. I was starting to think we’d wasted time driving all the way out here…time we didn’t have.

I turned and opened my mouth to tell Nick we should go back, that we’d find something, a pharmacy…or a damn doctor we could abduct in an effort to save our brother’s life, when the wash of headlights cut through the trees and flowed over me.

The heavy throb of an engine followed as a dark four-wheel drive skidded and rolled down the driveway toward us.

I reached around, grabbed the gun at my back, and neared the car. The hulking vehicle came closer until, with a skid, it pulled up hard, parking beside the sedan. The headlights stayed on, blinding me as I neared.

“Nick,” I warned, lifting the gun as I stepped closer.

Thethudof a car door followed….

And I didn’t know if they were friends, or foes.



The glareof headlights flooded the car from behind us. Nick winced and shied away from the beam in the rear- view mirror before climbing out and leaving me alone with the pale, shivering form beside me.

“T,” I croaked, brushing his arm. “Can you hear me?”

Nothing. Not a wince, or a lie of a smile, not even for me. “It’s going to be okay,” I whispered. “It’s going to be okay.”

If a lie was all we had to hold onto, then I’d dig my claws into it and cling tight with all I had. I’dmakehim okay…because for me, there was no future without him. I climbed out, biting down on the tremors.

“Behind me, Ryth," Caleb commanded as the four-wheel drive skidded coming toward us.

I rubbed my arms, easing the goosebumps, and moved on instinct. I was so used to them protecting me, always putting themselves at risk. I took a step and realized I didn’t want that.

Not anymore.

I wanted to stop this tormenting ride of guns, betrayal, and loss. I wanted to get off…and never come back. I wanted us to disappear, to step out of this mayhem and never come back. Not for Dad, or for Mom. Not for anyone but us.

Protect them…

The need howled inside me.


Headlights bounced against the sedan my father had left for us. I turned as the gleaming black Range Rover came to a stop and the engine was switched off. The driver’s door opened and a man climbed out. But he didn’t come toward us, just stood in the open door, scanning each one of us before he looked at someone in the passenger’s seat and spoke in a hushed tone. “It’s okay, it’s safe.”

It’s safe?

Was he talking about us?

The passenger’s door opened. I didn’t know who I'd expected to climb out, but it wasn’t the pretty young woman who took one look at me and smiled.

“Nick.” The strange guy nodded to my stepbrother. “Is he?”

“In the car,” Nick answered, striding to the door I'd left open.

“Kit, grab my—”

But she was already moving, heading to the rear of the four-wheel drive. “On it.”

The stranger pulled out his phone and pressed the flashlight, shining the beam on T as he leaned into the car. I held my breath and stepped closer, my arms wrapped tightly around my body, desperate to hear every word this man had to say.

“He’s going to be okay.” She spoke as she headed our way, her smile widening just for me. “Just you wait, my brother is the best emergency doctor in the state.”