Page 41 of Ours

I hurried after him, yanking open the passenger door to climb in. I called Rebel to me and held her on my lap to keep her out of the back seat. The sedan’s engine roared to life before the headlights splashed against the side of the diner.

We peeled out of the parking lot, scattering rocks in our wake. The fucking drive was agony. My focus was divided between the road and my brother. But still, my mind raced.

This guy better be fucking trustworthy.

He better keep our brother alive.

The GPS glowed in the darkness as Nick steered with his forearms and pulled up the map. “Fuck, I can hardly tell which road is which out here.”

A twitch flared in my jaw. That wasn’t what I wanted to hear. “Just don’t get us fucking lost.”

A quick glance between the seats to where Ryth was cradling Tobias and he turned to the road. “I won’t.”

Silence pushed in, leaving me to scan every road we passed, and all the while, that panic seethed inside me…We weren’t going to make it…We weren’t going to make it…We weren’t—

“I think this is it.”

I searched the road ahead, catching sight of a turn off, before glancing at the GPS. “You sure?”

“That’s what the map says.”

I had to trust Nick knew what he was doing as he signaled, then turned. We traveled along that road for a good twenty minutes. All I saw were trees and darkness and not another damn house in sight.

Nick was riveted to that screen, slowing the car until we were at a crawl as we passed by a faded yellow mailbox.

“That’s it,” he muttered, glancing at the screen and back up. “DeLuca.”

We turned in, taking it even slower along the rutted driveway that was designed for a four-wheel drive and not a damn sedan. The tires skidded and we slipped sideways. Still, there was no one better behind the wheel.

Nick handled the car with precision, turning into the slide, then gently correcting as we inched toward a large cabin set against the trees.

“Must be some kind of family retreat.” Nick leaned forward, scanning the grounds. “Doesn’t look like anyone’s here.”

Tobias whimpered behind us, then mumbled something I didn’t catch.

“I think he’s dreaming,” Ryth murmured.

I could only stare at my little brother, trying to figure out exactly when our world had started to fall apart.

It was him…


He was the catalyst.

His betrayal of Mom.

And now Ryth.

The fact he was apparently now dead tore me apart. Part of me was satisfied, the other was still his damn son. I wrestled with that as Nick pulled up alongside the cabin and killed the engine.

I climbed out, leaving Ryth and Nick along with Tobias in the car. The moment I looked at those dark windows, listening to the wind howl through the trees, I felt a chill crawl along my spine.

Maybe coming here was a mistake after all? “This doesn’t feel right.” I looked around and slowly made for the cabin.

“We don’t really have a choice, do we?”

No, we didn’t.