Page 21 of Ours

“She fuckingused her?She was goddamn collateral.No, not collateral.She was fuckingbait, Nick. She was goddamn bait.”T’s words carved through my middle. Still, he kept talking as I tried to hold on. “What does she mean by monster's blood in her veins?”

I slowly shook my head. “I wish I knew.”

What I did know was that Jack Castlemaine wasn’t Ryth’s father, and if he wasn’t, then who the fuckwas?

“This changes everything.” Tobias handed the diary back to me. “Trafficking is one thing, but what she’s talking about here is some kind of breeding program.”

“I know.”

“This is bad, Nick.” Fuck, he looked scared. “This is real fucking bad, and we’ve run out of options.”

“I know.” I stared at the journal in my hand as that crushing weight grew heavier. “We’ll figure out something, okay? I don't know what, but we’ll figure it out.”

The moment I said that, my phone vibrated in my pocket. This was a number that was new, one that no one should have…so who the hell was calling?

I pulled it out and stared at the caller ID.Private.Goosebumps raced up my arm as I hit the icon, answering the call. “Yeah?”

“Nicholas Banks?” The unfamiliar voice on the other end was careful.

I glanced at my brother. “Who’s asking?”

“This is Jack Castlemaine. I hear you’re trying to save my daughter…I want to help.”



I staredat the phone in the middle of the table, unable to look way ever since they'd dragged us into the room and forced me to sit.

My dad was due to call.The Principal scoffed when he called him that. He scoffed and laughed, those sick, fucking, gleaming eyes fixed on my every move. He wanted to see my pain. Hecraved it.

But Irefusedto give in. He didn’t deserve to see the real me. None of them did. Caleb was a dark blur at the edge of my vision. He saw me. He comforted me. He took me away from this Hell…even if it was only in fleeting moments of pleasure.

Still, my cheeks burned, remembering the lies The Principal had told me. Lies that my father wasn’t my blood and that Tobias…Tobias was dead…

“Remember, say nothing about where you are in the building.” That icy tone came at my back. “If I even suspect you’re scheming, the call will be terminated immediately.”

I didn't meet that sick fucking glint in his stare. I didn’t dare…but I felt his gaze burn on the back of my neck. The Principal. The Teacher…The Priest. The three pieces of shit who ran this place. I hated them…almost as much as I hated the man they worked for, Haelstrom Hale.

Caleb glanced my way and reached for my hand. But this time, his touch wasn’t comforting. No…nothing could prepare me for this. I inhaled deep, fighting the tension…until the phone gave a sharp, loud chime and vibrated against the surface.

I jumped and reached.

“Wait.” The command came.

My knuckles ached. My breath caught until it burned

Still the phone rang…and rang…and rang…


I snatched the phone from the table, stabbed the icon with a shaking finger, and answered. “Hello?”

There was silence. Silence while my chest ached, then came my father’s warm voice. “Ryth, honey?”

My shoulders sagged. “Dad.” I couldn’t stop the hitch in my breath. “Dad, is that you?”

“It’s me, my little lioness.” His voice grew louder. “Are you okay?”