Page 122 of Ours

“Jesus Christ,” I groaned. She was going to cost me a goddamn fortune, this one…I could feel it.

A nerve twitched in the corner of my eye. I cast the phone back onto the desk in front of me and it hit the surface with athud.I didn’t care about pussy or about getting my dick sucked at that moment. I dragged my fingers through my hair, riled up and furious at the goddamn tornado in my office as she unleashed a silent scream and kicked my goddamn leatherbound journal clear across the room.

I winced. I should’ve locked it away. Furious, I tried to think if there was anything in there that I didn’t want her to know. It was a new journal, with only a few jotted entries. Nothing of any real importance. If she spent the time scanning the pages, she would come away furious.

Even more furious than she was now.

Somehow, I didn’t like the sound of that.

Then she swatted my Montblanc Royal pen and it spun, hitting the wireless mouse before it slammed against the keyboard. In an instant, the iMac came to life. The monitor had been left unlocked for this exact reason. But she wasn’t expecting it, was she? Her gaze narrowed as she looked around the room. I could see her body tense.

“Press play, hellcat,” I urged.

Crush it like a drug and feed it back to her.That’s what I wanted…and this was the first step in doing that.

She chewed her lip and scanned the study, then leaned close to the monitor and pressed play.She flinched. Once, twice, three times, and she stumbled backwards. I knew instantly what she was listening to. In my head, the sound played out.

BANG! BANG! BANG! You don’t get to touch what’s ours!

Her eyes widened and her mouth gaped.

Then she lunged forward, gripped the monitor, and tilted it harshly. I winced, she was so goddamn rough with the equipment, so fucking inconsiderate. Such a goddamn…brat.She slipped down hard into the chair, staring at the monitor as Ryth Banks and her stepbrothers exacted their revenge.

It was the first time she’d seen Ryth since I’d brought her here.

Now she knew two things:

One, that Ryth was alive and with her stepbrothers…

And two, that she was looking at a house that couldn’t possibly be monitored, not with the feed sent directly to my computer. The first thing hit her instantly. Her shoulders sagged with relief, her head dropped forward, and I swore I saw a shudder. If I did, it didn’t last very long, as the second realization hit home.

Her spine slowly straightened. Her gaze was unmoving, fixed on the screen. I caught the heavy rise and fall of her chest before she slowly scanned the room…narrowing in on the false camera high in the corner of the room.

It didn’t matter that she looked at the wrong camera, didn’t matter that she slowly rose and stepped around the desk until she stood underneath the blinking light. It didn’t matter that she said nothing, did nothing.

Because what did matter was that she realized now.

How far my reach was.

And the things I’d do.

I glanced down at the phone beside me, the one with the recording of Killion and Ryth. I’d unleashed her brothers like a weapon, taking out one of the pathetic few. I loathed Killion. The vile, cheap bastard wielded his cruelty like some fucking carnival sideshow, bringing in men who consumed like a goddamn plague.

Only I was different. I wasselective.

And my reasons were my own.

Vivienne slowly lowered her gaze and turned around. What, no flipping the bird this time? No obstinate screams? A smile tugged the edges of my mouth as I watched her stop. Something had caught her eye, something deeper in the study…something on the shelves.

I knew instantly what she’d seen.

My stomach clenched.

The beginning of satisfaction died faster than it had come.

“No.” I leaned forward as she stepped forward and reached for the small pink notebook tucked away in the back of the shelf.

She shouldn’t have noticed it.