“I don’t have anything—,” I began, but Pharzuph cut me off in a low, deadly voice.

“Do not speak again. And don’t you dare make a move.”

Kai came up behind me and took my forearms in his hands while Pharzuph frisked me, touching me everywhere, though thank God it was only through my clothes. Kaidan’s grip got harder and harder as his father touched me. I prayed he could hold himself together as I gritted my teeth and averted my eyes from Pharzuph’s hate-filled eyes. Finally he stepped back, wiping his hands down his sides as if I were grotesque.

“Tie her up,” he ordered.

Kaidan pointed to the closest seat and told me to sit.

With a slight huff I sank into the leather. Pharzuph leaned over the back of my chair, nuzzling his mouth against my hair. I could feel his hot breath, and it took all my willpower not to pull away.

“I know who you are,” he whispered, his voice deceptively sweet. “And I know what you’re up to. But it won’t work. You’ll never win.”

I tried to keep my voice steady as I lied. “I have no idea what you’re talking about or what’s going on. Why are you doing this?”

Pharzuph chuckled. “We’ll see.” To Kaidan he said again, “Tie her up.”

As Kai knelt in front of me, I saw movement behind him in the front of the cabin. A beautiful woman in a flight attendant uniform came out of the galley with a glass of champagne in her hand. My eyes locked on the bubbling drink.

Champagne would be really great right about now. I took a deep breath to settle the grabby-handed longing inside me.

The woman stopped, seeming surprised at the sight of Kaidan preparing to tie me up, and her aura went from happy to nervous. Pharzuph chuckled from his seat behind us.

“Don’t worry about them,” he told her. “They’re just having fun.” He shot me a warning look.

The woman regarded me questioningly.

I gave her a little smile and held out my wrists to Kaidan. He began to tie them, never letting his eyes veer up to my face.

The flight attendant’s nervousness lightened as she passed us to deliver Pharzuph’s drink. She returned to the galley to finish her preflight prep. When Kaidan was done, Pharzuph sauntered up and tossed back the last of his drink. He ran his eyes over me like I was a pest about to be exterminated.

The plane’s engines fired up, gently rumbling the cabin and surrounding us in white noise.

Pharzuph walked to the front to chat with the pilot in the cockpit. Then he stopped by the galley to return his glass to the flight attendant. I couldn’t see her, but I had a perfect view of him inching closer, giving her a flirtatious smile as he said something that made her laugh. He reached out, maybe at her waist level, and his smile disappeared, his expression changing to a heated look of lust. When he spoke again, a blast of swirling red aura filled the space between them, coming from the woman. I dropped my eyes, feeling ill. Apparently the flight attendant wasn’t just there to serve us drinks. The horror of it washed over me in sickening waves. Pharzuph was going to work right here in this small cabin space. Right in front of Kaidan and me.

A revolting thought occurred to me. Would he expect Kaidan to work? There were no other women in sight. No, this woman was for Pharzuph’s pleasure only. She had to be.

The pilot announced it was time for everyone to take their seats. Pharzuph grinned and left the galley. As he made his way to the back of the plane, he stopped next to Kaidan and said, “You can have her after me. Or you could join us if you like.”

Oh. My. Gosh.

Kaidan gave no reaction except a nod. “Thank you. Perhaps after you. I didn’t sleep last night, so I might rest a bit first.”

It could have been my imagination, but I swore Pharzuph stiffened at little at Kaidan’s lack of interest. Then his lips rose in a quick grin and he patted Kai’s shoulder. “Rest up then. The Neph girl shouldn’t be any trouble.” He gave me a warning glance, and I dropped my eyes again.

My body was working against me. I felt light-headed and nauseous. What if Pharzuph pushed Kaidan to be with that woman? Kai would refuse. Our plan would be ruined.

And then I relaxed. Because just above Kaidan in the overhead compartment was my bag inside his bag with the Sword of Righteousness. Pharzuph had no idea it was on this plane. I would kill him if he pushed Kaidan to work. I might even enjoy it.

Of course then we’d have a dead body and a freaked-out flight attendant on our hands when we landed, but we could deal with that. I leaned back and closed my eyes.

Kaidan came over and buckled me. I kind of hoped he’d squeeze my hand, but he kept up the act, seeming repulsed by me. I felt sicker by the minute.

The flight attendant exited the galley and pulled down a jump seat next to the door across from me. She sat and buckled, a shimmer of red still present at the base of her aura. The entire takeoff process was uncomfortable with the woman staring between the seats at Pharzuph behind us. He had to be making eyes at her or something because she lit up like a red Christmas tree and rubbed her knees together, biting her bottom lip.

Please, God, let this flight go by quickly.

When we leveled out and the flight attendant stood to return to the galley, Kaidan got up and opened a wall panel, pushing buttons until a movie screen came down from the ceiling panel between us. I watched as he pulled out a pair of headphones from the armrest of his seat. He shot me a very quick glance. I angled myself enough to open my armrest and take out the headphones. It was difficult, but I got them unraveled, plugged in, and on my ears just as the woman was coming down the aisle.