Kaidan bolted upright. “You’ve seen him?”

“Yes. He’s about your age, maybe a little older. Tall. Blond.”

His jaw tightened. “When did you see him? What did he say? Did he touch you?”

I told him everything. He stared at the wall, and pulled out his knife as he listened. He continued to open it. Close it. Spin it on his palm. Weave it through his fingers. Jay and I gave it nervous glances.

“Bloody hell . . .” Kaidan thought for a while then shoved the closed knife back into his pocket. “Would you say he’s better looking than me?”

Jay laughed. “Dude. Weird.”

“I’m only curious,” Kaidan said.

“Ew, Kai, no. I can’t even think of him like that. His eyes are pure evil. I don’t know how anyone can look at him and not get a bad feeling.”

“They probably do get a bad feeling,” said Jay. “But they like it. They feel like he’s dangerous or something.”

Oh, he was dangerous, all right. I rubbed my temples.

The doorbell rang, and Jay practically tripped over his own feet jumping up.

Kaidan slipped an arm around me. “You did well. That’s over, and we’ll be safe for a bit now.” He kissed my temple, then bit my earlobe, pulling me closer. I lifted my face to kiss him since we were semialone. As soon as his hot mouth met mine, I wished we were really alone.

“I can’t stop thinking about you,” he whispered. His words and touch held an urgency that was stronger than it had been before we married, like his self-control had lessened now that we’d been together. This was going to be a long day.

From the kitchen I heard Patti set down her stirring spoon with a clatter and say, “Well, hello, Kope. And you must be Zania! I’m so happy to finally meet you.”

I smiled up at Kaidan’s handsome face before getting to my feet.

“Z!” I ran, crashing into her in the kitchen. We hugged tight, and I smiled at Kopano over her shoulder. He gave me a half grin. More people were coming in behind him.

“Well, if it isn’t my sweet Ginger!” Patti said now. “And Marna! And you’re Blake, right?”

I couldn’t even bring myself to scoff at the “sweet Ginger” comment. We had a house full of friends and the kitchen smelled divine. The holiday had officially begun.



We all stood in the kitchen talking over one another. Marna and I noticed at the same time when Zania made her way back to Kopano’s side and slipped her arm snuggly under his. And then they shared a look so tender that Marna turned and gave me a hand-over-her-heart “Aww!” face. She then wrapped her arms around Jay, and they stood there holding each other with their eyes closed. So much emotion filled the room, but one stood out above the rest. . . .

Love was in the air.

Among other things. Like lust. And the smell of turkey. A weird combo.

Kaidan finally made his way into the kitchen with a serious demeanor. He greeted everyone, but whenever his eyes met mine, the air got hotter until a palpable tension had woven its way around the room. I could feel the warm sunbeam of his stare on me, though I pretended to ignore it. Our friends kept eyeing us. Even Patti noticed.

She regarded Kaidan with curiosity, as if trying to figure him out. When she saw him looking at me, her brow went up. She cleared her throat and dropped her eyes, mumbling, “All righty then,” and busied herself basting the turkey.

Okay, this was seriously getting embarrassing. I eyed Kaidan as if to say, Behave yourself! He cocked his head as if to say, I can’t bloody help it!

When Patti left the kitchen to make the guest bed, I suddenly smelled his citrusy pheromones from across the room, and they made me light-headed. I hoped no one else would notice.

“Blech. The newlyweds are hot for each other,” Ginger said.

So much for that hope. Heat traveled from my neck up to my face.

“Perhaps the whole lot of you can take a walk,” Kaidan said, dead serious.

My eyes got huge. “Kaidan, no!”

Blake, Jay, and Marna started laughing. Ginger rolled her eyes, and I couldn’t bring myself to look at Kope and Z.

But Kopano, choosing to ignore the sexual tension despite his own inclination toward lust, stepped forward and held out his hand.

“Congratulations, brother. I am happy for your blessing.”

Kaidan took his offering and shook. “Thank you, mate. I’m glad to see you happy, as well.” He nodded to Zania, who returned his nod and gifted him with one of her regal smiles. When Kope came to me and with an outstretched hand I ignored it, going up on my toes to hug him instead. He chuckled and hugged me back before returning to Z’s side. Kaidan watched the whole time, but thankfully didn’t get upset.

I wish I could say the tension dissipated after that. Kaidan leaned against the counter watching me, his thumb running back and forth over his bottom lip. My whole body prickled with a flush of heat, and I tried not to look at him. His need for me became the elephant in the room that everyone pretended to ignore. I thought about sending him upstairs for a cold shower.

Patti bounded back into the room, and I plastered the fakest smile ever on my face.

“How much longer until the feast?” I asked.

“About one hour,” she said. She was busy peeling potatoes into the sink. “Did you get any whipped cream for the pies? I didn’t see any.”

“No.” Rats. I knew I was forgetting something.