“I can’t believe this is happening,” I whispered to Marna, feeling shy and shaky again.

“I know!” She let out a squee and linked her arm through mine. I clung tight.

Only Marna could be thrilled for me when her own situation was so grim.

Outside was loud with the sounds of prop planes. We were led to a beautiful white jet, bigger than what I’d envisioned. I should have known Blake wouldn’t settle for one of those rickety things.

“Have a nice flight,” said the airport personnel as we climbed the jet’s narrow steps.

I took one last look for peeping spirits before the door swung up and sealed shut behind us. I closed my eyes, waiting for doubt to creep in about what we were about to do, but I felt only excitement and sureness. I could only hope Kaidan felt the same. His face would tell me the truth.

I wasn’t sure what I was expecting when I opened my eyes, but the inside of the jet was even more gorgeous than the mini yacht we’d taken to Melchom’s island two weeks prior. That horrid night felt like eons ago. Life had continued, moving us along at top speed.

I stood in the aisle and absently ran my hands over the soft leather seat backs, losing myself in the poshness as the twins moved ahead of me. The plane seated six, with three rows of cream seats on each side. The back half of the plane was a lounging area with a big television screen and mini bar. Ginger crashed into a window seat and closed her eyes. My trance was broken then, leaving one thing on my mind.


He lounged on a bench seat in the rear of the plane, leaning back with one hand behind his head. His red starburst badge pulsed wildly as he looked me over, and I stood at the edge of the seats, holding my breath. Only a few feet separated us, but I was frozen in place.

He didn’t look scared or doubtful, that was for certain. He looked like he wanted me, which sent my pulse into a frenzy.

Kaidan lifted two fingers and beckoned me closer. Marna, who’d taken a seat across from him, cleared her throat and stood, moving past me with a smile and flopping into the seat next to her sister, facing away from us.

I moved nearer until my knees were touching Kaidan’s and I was looking down at him. My heart threatened to dance right out of my chest.

“Hey,” I managed.

“Hey, yourself.” His melty voice and darkened bedroom eyes were not helping to calm my pulse any. “You’re stunning. I feel like a slob.”

He was wearing the same low cargo shorts, fitted T-shirt, and skater shoes he’d been wearing all day.

I felt like useless warm putty when I said, “You always look good.”

Ginger made a barfing noise behind me, and Marna shushed her. Kaidan took my hips, pulling me to sit next to him. I lifted my hair from my neck, feeling too warm, and my hand shook.

Kai lifted my hand to kiss my palm, then signed to me. Don’t be nervous.

I forced myself to meet his eyes, but he looked so serious that I had to look down again. I couldn’t stop being nervous. He pulled me close and I climbed onto his lap, burying my face in the crook of his neck. His hand stroked the length of my hair and down the silky material at my lower back.

“Are you sure about this?” I whispered against his warm skin.

Without pausing, he whispered back, “I am. Are you?”


We stayed like that, his arm around me and my face in his neck until Blake said it was time to buckle up and get ready for takeoff. Kaidan and I took our seats across from the twins.

It was slightly unnerving to know that wheelie-popping Blake was about to fly our plane. But he looked focused and mature sitting up at the gears with the small doorway opened for us to see. I caught Ginger leaning into the aisle and gazing at him as he worked.

Blake said something into his mouthpiece then gave us the thumbs-up, and I felt us push back from the gate. I said a prayer as we lifted. It was the smoothest takeoff I’d ever experienced. Kaidan raised his eyebrows, impressed.

When we leveled out, Marna stood and went into the small server alley, making drinks for everyone. Nobody had alcohol. I knew they probably wanted it, but they were being thoughtful about not displaying my temptation in front of me. Or maybe they were worried because I looked nervous enough to drink the whole bar myself.

I nearly choked on my Coke when Blake stood up from the pilot’s seat and walked back to us, making Marna scream, “What are you doing? You have to fly the plane!”

Blake laughed. “It’s all good! I got this baby on autopilot. Don’t your pilots ever come out of the pit?”

Marna frowned. “They have copilots, so even when someone gets up, the cockpit’s never empty.”

“Chill. It’s under control. Everyone up,” Blake announced. “Time to have us a wedding.”

My stomach wobbled.

Marna cheered. I loved that girl.

I stood, never letting go of Kaidan’s hand, and for the first time I wondered how exactly this wedding was going to go.

“I didn’t prepare any vows or anything,” I said. “I guess we’re just winging it?”

Kaidan appeared as clueless as me, and a little nervous now.

“I got you covered.” Blake grinned, pulling out a piece of paper and clearing his throat. “Just call me Reverend Blake.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Ginger snatched the paper from his hand, scanning it and then bending at the waist to laugh.

Kaidan took it and we read together. Sure enough, Blake had been ordained. Online. Technically the marriage wouldn’t be legal since we hadn’t applied for a marriage license or anything like that. We couldn’t leave a paper trail, but the marriage would be valid in all the ways that counted.