Page 119 of Ruthless Hunter

Sweet relief came as the shutters closed, throwing my bedroom into gloom. I wasted no time crawling between my sheets and putting my phone on charge before I lay my head on the pillow and closed my eyes.

Darkness came to stake its claim. I couldn’t fight it, giving myself over to the growing ache behind my eyes.

Finley’s face haunted me as I sank deeper.

I could still feel his fingers on my skin.

Still feel the hunger in his eyes.

Still feel his hold on the back of my head and his cock pushing into my throat.

I swallowed and gave a sigh before sleep claimed me.

* * *


The sound woke me. I cracked open my eyes and moaned.What the hell had happened to me?Memories were slow to filter in, until a low moan dragged me fully awake. I blinked, opened my eyes, and pushed up from the pillow. The moan came again, only this time it was softer.

Darkness shrouded my room. The blinds were closed, but it was darker than I remembered. “Kat?” I called out. “Is that you?”

“Hey,” she replied, and stepped into the edge of the doorway, giving me a small smile. “Sorry if I woke you.”

I yawned and stretched. “No, I was awake.”

Her smile only grew wider. “No, you weren’t.”

She clung to the doorframe, almost like she was hiding from me. “What’s going on?”

“Damon wanted to come over later,” she murmured, the smile slipping.

“Oh, okay. You want me to disappear?” I shoved the covers over and pushed myself up from the bed, dressed in panties and bra.

“No,” she answered quickly. “I was just about to take a shower and head out with him, anyway. Apparently tonight is cards night, some kind of boardroom set-up in building three where they play and drink…and barter…women, as well as favors.”

“Oh.” I stilled, my mind instantly going to Finley. Pain stabbed through my chest, maybe that’s where he'd been headed in a hurry. “Okay.”

She just gave me a smile. “Missed you last night.”

Heat moved to my cheek as the memory of what had happened pushed in. Something about a classroom…and a…gas leak in one of the buildings?I couldn’t quite remember, Finley’s words were nothing more than a jumble. But I hadn’t forgotten the look he'd given me, like I’d just murdered his best friend. That was the kind of torture I didn’t want to relive.

“I think I’ll take a shower, too,” I decided, and gave her a smile. “And I promise to stay out of your way tonight. I’ll be quiet as a damn churchmouse. You won’t even know I’m here. Earbuds and Netflix for the win.”

She just chuckled and stepped inside, coming toward me before I knew it. She wrapped her arms around me, hugging tight. “I missed you.”

I hugged her back, my gaze drawn down to her bare arm…and three distinct bruises across her arm, almost like a grip mark. “I missed you, too.”

It wasn’t the first bruise I'd seen on her. But when I pulled back, she looked down.

“Kat,” I pushed. “Is everything okay with you?”

She gave me that laugh again, the one I didn’t quite believe. “Yes, Anna,” she answered, and met my gaze.

“Do you promise?”

“I…promise.”She made a cross over her breast. “Cross my heart.”

But that nagging feeling drew stronger. “Why don’t I believe you?”