Page 49 of Vicious Games

A fried chicken shop catches my eye and I head in, drooling at the smell.

"Hiya, babe. What can we get started for ya?" asks a middle aged man with a receding hairline. He gives off warm, friendly vibes and I'm instantly drawn to him. Plus, he makes fried chicken.


"It all looks so good," I mumble, reading the menu board above his head.

He grins, pointing to a section. "These are the snack packs. Probably the best option to get a little bit of everything if you're hungry."

Nodding, I look at him with a smile. "Sounds perfect, honestly. I'll take pack three."

He rings me up, taking my cash as I hover around waiting. I can't help but wonder if people know I'm missing yet. Surely, my professors would. I missed a few classes today. But if this trip turns out the way I'm hoping, I'll be dropping them a message later this week to tell them I'm not coming back.

The man passes over my food and I take it eagerly, pulling out a piece as I exit the shop. It's only a few minutes walk back to the motel, but I'm keen to try the chicken.

It's deliciously hot, the spices exploding in my mouth as I take a big bite into the wing. It's crunchy on the outside but soft and juicy on the inside. Exactly how fried chicken should be.

By the time I return to the motel, I've demolished two pieces. I sit on the bed cross-legged, shoving chicken into my mouth as I use my other hand to scroll through my inbox. Nothing on the job front yet but that's okay, there's still time.

I'm mindlessly scrolling when I see the inbox notification pop up. I'm hopeful it's another house reply but even in my gut, I know who it is. I just know.

Asher Taylor: Rylee… where the hell are you? You've been gone for days and missed classes.

I quickly close out of the message, ignoring him. The chicken suddenly feels heavy in my stomach. Perhaps some Netflix will distract me.

Before I can open the app, I get another notification. I bite my lip as curiosity wins, opening the message.

Asher Taylor: I can see you online. It says you read the message. Respond to me.

Asher Taylor: If this is about Friday night, we need to talk about it. When are you coming home?

Sighing, I realize I might as well bite the bullet. I type out a reply, knowing hell is about to break loose.

Rylee Selwood: I'm not coming back, Asher.

Immediately, I see the speech bubbles pop up, my gut dreading what comes next.

Asher Taylor: What the fuck do you mean you aren't coming back?!

Swallowing back the lump forming in my throat, I tell him the words neither of us wanted to hear.

Rylee Selwood: I'm gone, Asher. The game is over. Just forget I existed, because I'm starting over.

I wait for an explosion or curses... anything really. But his next message is not one I expected and it pulls on emotions that make me uncomfortable.

Asher Taylor: Did last week mean nothing to you? Do I mean nothing to you? I thought things had changed between us.

He's right. So painfully right. Which is why I need to cut ties with everything back home. I can't risk things getting any more out of control than they already are.

I'll still need to go back to get my stuff, but I think I'm happy with my decision. It feels right… right-ish, anyway. I'll just have to make sure I do it when he's not home. I know his class schedule fairly well so I'll go back in a few days when I know he will be on campus.

Then, it's goodbye old life, and hello freedom.

Chapter twenty

"Andthat'stheroom.Utilities are included in the rent. We're a pretty decent bunch of people."

I think I'm in love with this house.