Page 37 of Vicious Games

"Really?" she says, her face lighting up. "It would be a big help, even if he can't do anything."

"Absolutely! I'll let him know."

Mrs. Anderson sighs wistfully. "You're such a sweetheart, thank you. I never could quite understand why you and Jenny stopped hanging out."

"Different paths," I answer honestly.

She nods, but like Jenny, I can see she doesn't understand it either. The difference is, her years of wisdom have taught her to be polite and just accept it for what it is.

"I really hope you find your way back to each other."

My jaw clenches as I give her a friendly, soft smile. "Maybe one day."

Asher is in the basement, playing video games when I return home. It's decked out to be his man cave, complete with a makeshift bar in the corner. The walls are painted grey, covered with posters of cars and girls. He has a headset on, controller perched in his hands as he mutters curses at the large television in front of him.

"Come on, you son of a bitch."

I lean against the doorway as I watch him in amusement. "Talking about yourself?"

He gives me a glance before pausing the game. "Guys, give me a minute. I'll be back soon," he says into his microphone before pressing a button and taking them off.

His grey eyes observe me carefully as I give him a bold grin.

"You're planning something," he finally says, standing up to walk over to me.

The asshole is shirtless, a pair of grey sweatpants low on his hips. I can see the V lines, and it doesn't get past me that this outfit could be a play on his behalf.

"Doesn't sound like me, at all."

"Bullshit," Asher quips, putting his hand above my head on the door frame. "Let me guess, you have another dare lined up?"

I roll my eyes, feigning ignorance and offence. "Really? Can't I just come see my brother for some family bonding?"

He snorts, raising an eyebrow at me. "Yeah, right. Well, come on. Out with it. I'm excited to see what you come up with to top getting your rocks off in a bar."

"People have been getting their rocks off in bars for years, Asher. You didn't invent it," I point out.

Asher keeps his hand above my head, shifting his other one to plant on the wall beside my waist. I'm boxed in again, staring up at him as his bare torso brushes against my body.

"But it's so much fun. Watching you fight when you have no control. I'm starting to think you secretly love it."

I snort, lifting my hand to dig my nails into his chest. "Don't inflate that head more than it already is. Besides, I paid a visit to an old friend today."

I nearly laugh at the suspicious look on Asher's face. I purposefully changed my tone, suggesting something else. And his reaction has not let me down. I'm starting to understand him, his need for control and possession, his thirst for dominance. Asher seems to think he has some hold on me or that I'm a belonging of his. But I'm no one's. And the sooner he realizes that, the better.

"Who?" he asks, but try as he may, there's an edge of demand to his question.

Smirking, I tilt my head back. "Mrs. Anderson. She would like you to go over and look at her car."

Asher halts, confused. "Okay… and how does that relate to our current conversation?"

My fingers dance up his naked torso, nails leaving the smallest of red marks on his chest. My hand curls around the back of his neck, pulling him slightly closer to me.

"Your dare is to seduce Mrs. Anderson."

Immediately, Asher tenses up, stepping back as he shoves my hand off him. The usual playful Asher is gone, and I'm faced with an anger deity as his stares at me in disgust.

"No," he spits out. "Are you insane?"