"Ms. Selwood, a word, please."
A few other students look at me as I make my way down the stairs. Usually this is where I get reprimanded for shitty assignments and poor attendance. I've missed a few classes recently, and I'm sure Professor Sampson takes it personally.
He waits for the other students to clear out as I stand at his desk. When the last disappears through the door, he gives me his usual look of annoyance.
"So, you decided to attend class today?"
"I've been busy, Sir," I say as politely as possible.
He raises an eyebrow at me. "Right. Please, go see the Dean. I'll let him know to expect you."
"What?" I ask in surprise. "For a few lousy missed classes?"
Professor Sampson shoves his paperwork into his briefcase. "You can discuss that with the Dean."
He brushes past me, heading towards the exit. I let out a frustrated sigh, turning to follow.
The Dean's office isn't far and when I arrive, Louise looks up from her desk with a tight expression.
"Ms. Selwood. Dean Richmond is waiting for you. Please, head in."
She buzzes her intercom, announcing my arrival before I've even opened the door. Dean Richmond is behind his desk, watching me as I approach.
"Take a seat, Ms. Selwood."
I sit down, putting my bag on the floor. "Sir, I'm sorry I missed a few classes, but I've had a lot on."
Dean Richmond looks at me, his face full of anger.
"This has nothing to do with missed classes, Ms. Selwood."
"Oh," I say, surprised. "Then, what's it about?"
He taps his computer, typing in his password.
"We've received a report that you and a staff member engaged in inappropriate conduct." He taps the mouse a few times, turning the screen towards me.
I gasp, a chill running through my body. There, on the screen, is footage of me and Kev in Professor Sampson's lecture room. It's been obviously taken on a phone from the doorway but the person has zoomed in, my face easily visible as I flirt with him before climbing under the desk.
Dean Richmond pauses the video, looking at me with distain and disgust.
"I'm extremely disappointed in you, Ms. Selwood. I had high hopes you were going to turn your behavior around. Unfortunately, you leave me no other option. You are hereby terminated from Brightmore College, effective immediately."
I let out a pained scream, hitting the steering wheel over and over with my hands until they ache. I'm sitting in my car in the carpark, crying hysterically.
I'm in so much pain and shock. I never expected it to end this way. If I was going to leave, it was meant to be on my terms. But, it also meant I could always return if I wanted.
Not now. I'm officially fucked, my record as dirty as my sins are written in black and white. Not only that, everyone will know. It will be the scandal of the year, and if Jenny tells everyone about Asher, then my reputation will forever be irreparable in this town.
Through my heaving body, I remember. I remember her being there after Kev left, confronting me and Asher.
Her words come back to me.
"Mark my words, Rylee Selwood. I'm going to fucking destroy you."
Fresh tears spill as I lay my head on the steering wheel. I have nothing here anymore. She was right, she did destroy me. And it's my own fault. I gave her the ammo, and I hurt her. And now, she's hurt me.