Page 81 of Vicious Games

Asher's touch, taste and body are still fresh in my mind, constantly sending shivers down my spine. He's like my own personal drug, and I'm living the best high. But, like any other high, we eventually hit the lows… and I know my high is on borrowed time.

Volts near tackles me as I step through the door, followed by Vito. After I give Butch a hug, I spot a familiar face lurking in the corner.

"Hey, stranger," I say, smiling at Chuck as I approach his table.

"Aren't you a vision?" he replies, subtly looking me up and down.

I laugh, slipping into the chair next to him. "How's your brother?"

Chuck pushes his drink towards me, offering me a sip. "He's good. On my back about taking a holiday though. We haven't had one for years."

"A holiday sounds amazing," I mumble, trying not to cough from the burn his whiskey gives me as it slides down my throat.

"What about you? Going back to college?" he asks.

I shrug. "Not sure yet. I was meant to be in my new house last night but things have been a bit delayed. Trying to work everything out."

Butch sits down at the table with us, a fresh drink in his hands for me, curtesy of Volts. "What are you trying to work out?"

"Whether I'm leaving or not," I answer, grabbing the cold beer.

Butch hums thoughtfully. "And would your stepbrother have anything to do with this decision?"

Chuck looks at me in surprise, so I avoid his gaze.

"It's a whole lot of different factors," I offer.

Chuck's eyebrows furrow as he tries to read between the lines. Butch, however, is a pro at reading them.

"Right," he says firmly. "Well, keep us updated."

"I will," I say honestly. "How's things been with the Norsemen?"

Vito laughs as he sits in the last empty seat. "Those wankers? No one has seen or heard from them in the area since the brawl. Probably taken off to visit their other charter down south."

I look down at my drink, unable to ask the next question while looking at them. "Do you blame me for what happened?"

A chorus of no's immediately respond, and Butch puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Lee, don't think for a second that it's your fault. The Norsemen are always looking for ways to start trouble. They got offended a beautiful, young lady whooped their asses and wanted to pick a fight with us. They might say it's because of you, but you're just the scape goat."

I breathe a sigh of relief. "I've been feeling so guilty."

Vito clinks his glass with mine. "You are a bad bitch. They had two of them on you and you still walked away in one piece. Says a lot about them and their shit skills. Besides, we have your back, boo."

"So," I say with a grin. "Anyone up for a game of poker then?"

"I'm home," I yell out, stepping into the foyer.

Asher's car is outside so I assume he's around somewhere. Footsteps start to approach and I wait impatiently to see him, but my smile falters when Zayn appears.

"Kitty cat, you smell like a bar."

I roll my eyes, dropping my keys on the hallway table. "Because I've been at a bar."

"Ooh, is it thecriminalbar?" he asks excitedly.

"Yeah, something like that," I answer sharply.