Page 80 of Vicious Games

As soon as he withdraws from my body, I fall forward into the mattress. He lays next to me, peppering me with kisses as his hands touch me wherever they can reach.

We're in our own little bubble, but I know it's going to have to burst sooner or later when we face the consequences of our actions. But right now, I'm happy here, pretending life is normal.

We make our way up slowly, having a shower which turns into a much longer shower than usual, before going downstairs in search of coffee.

I enter the kitchen first, spotting Zayn and Blake at the breakfast table. Zayn looks up as I enter, giving me a grin.

"Hey, sleepy head. I was wondering when you'd wake up."

I ignore him, grabbing a cup and shoving a pod in the coffee machine. Asher walks into the kitchen a few moments later, glaring at Zayn. There's still tension between them, and I'm curious what their dares were to each other. I have no doubt Asher went personal, but if he did, Zayn doesn't appear affected at all. If anything, his cocky smirk is designed to provoke Asher even further.

"Ash, you look like you've had a rough night. What's wrong?Catgot your tongue?" Zayn goads.

His insinuation doesn't get past me, or Asher apparently, as he throws a wink at me.

"Back off, Zayn," Asher snaps while fetching a cup, but there's less bite to his bark this morning.

Blake snorts. "Leave them alone, Zayn. Can't you see they've beenbusy."

I clench my teeth. "Don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't," Blake says, rolling his eyes. "Do you always make a habit of screaming your big brother's name in the middle of the night?"

Asher slams his cup down on the counter, shattering it. "Shut up, Blake."

"Whatever, Ash. You do you. Like you always do."

I finish making my coffee, stepping around broken pieces of porcelain. "And what was your dare, Zayn? Did you complete it?" I ask.

Zayn grins. "Ash didn't tell you? I had to fuck a cactus."

"What?" I stammer, looking between them.

"All good, sis. Don't worry about me. Ash forgot to specify protection so I made sure to use a gardening glove, and went nice and slow. Not even a single prick. Well, maybeone."

Asher's face hardens. "Push me again, Zayn. And see what happens."

Blake looks at me, his eyes darkening. "And what about you, Rylee? Did you doyours?"

Asher looks at me curiously, obviously none the wiser about the dare. I don't have the heart to tell him. If I say no to Blake, everyone will think I failed the dare. There will be consequences but I guess those I have to face alone, will be better than Asher suffering.

"Nope," I lie, sipping my coffee. "Guess you'll have to figure out a punishment."

Blake's eyes narrow at me, before shifting to Asher. He doesn't say anything, but I can tell he doesn't believe me. We both know the truth, but I'm willing to burn down in flames for Asher.

Zayn is apparently oblivious, much to my surprise. "Tough blow, kitty cat. Asher, did you complete yours?"

"No," Asher grounds out. I look at him shocked, wondering what his might have been. He doesn't elaborate and neither does Zayn. But Blake speaks up happily.

"Well, I completed mine. Didn't I, Rylee?"

Asher looks at me for confirmation and I nod gingerly.

"So," Zayn says, clapping his hands. "Punishments for Ash and kitty cat then?"

"Already there," I mutter under my breath as I walk out of the kitchen with my coffee.

I head to Wheels, keen for a drink and a catch up with the boys. Anything to get my mind off things at home. Though, if I'm being honest, last night is living rent free in my mind.