Page 77 of Vicious Games

The night air is a little chilly, and I shiver as I walk down to my car, which is back in the usual spot next to Asher's.

I turn, looking at the completely dark house one last time, saying a silent goodbye before slipping into the car.

I curse as I start the car, the engine revving, giving me the urge to move quickly. I throw the car in reverse, backing out before heading down the driveway.

As soon as I reach the gates, I look in my rear view mirror one last time, and my heart sinks.

Asher's bedroom light is on, and if I'm not mistaken, there's a shadow in the window watching me as I turn onto the street and head towards my new life.

Chapter twenty-nine

Mybodysagswithexhaustion as I fight the urge to sleep. I'm only one hour into the four hour trip, and already I'm at my limit.

The events of the past few days weigh heavily on my mind, and I'm fighting the battle between sleep, and getting as far away as possible.

There's no motels for miles, but I'm not sure I can keep going. I'm crazy, but not suicidal. If I keep driving, I might crash and that's a problem no one needs right now.

Resigning and giving in to the urge to sleep, I find a rest stop and park my car. There's a few cars here, but it's mostly deserted. I only need a few hours rest, then I can keep going.

I'm starting to regret leaving my pillows behind but I slip off my jumper, putting it behind my head to cushion it between the seat. I lock the doors, reclining the chair and let myself fall into a slumber. When I get up, I'll load myself full of coffee then keep going.

My eyes are heavy and I easily fall asleep. But while sleep comes easily, it's tainted with the nightmares that plague me.

A loud bang scares me, jolting me awake. Temporarily, I forget where I am, panicking as I look around the dark car. I'm blinded by the dark but as I start to calm down, I convince myself that the bang was one of those things that happen in your dreams, but wake you up in real life. It's like those shitty dreams when you fall, waking as you hit the ground. It always feels so real, even though you haven't moved an inch.

I rub my face, reaching for my phone to check the time when another loud bang sounds next to me.

My head snaps towards the window, letting out a scream as I spot eyes staring at me.

"Fuck me!" I screech, unlocking the door and shoving the door open. I'm wide awake now, my body full of adrenaline. "Are you fucking insane?"

Asher stands by my door, shadowed by the dark. He's still in what I assume are his pj's – sweatpants and a hoodie. I can't read his expression, the dark covering most of his face but from the little I can make out, he's holding a blank look.

My heart is racing, feeling like it's about to jump out of my chest. I do my best to try to calm it, but it's pointless.

"Where are you going?" Asher finally asks, anger in his voice.

"To my new house, of course. The question is, what the fuck are you doing following me?" I snap.

Asher shakes his head. "You were really just going to leave? Without finishing the game… without saying goodbye?"

"I assumed you didn't give a shit," I say dryly.

He just stares at me in response. I wrap my arms around my torso, shivering from the late night air.

"Why would you think that?" he questions.

I laugh sarcastically. "Why wouldn't I, Asher? You've been nothing but rude to me lately. Your brothers are assholes. And my mom doesn't give two craps about me. No one cares if I stay, and I want to go."

"I don't want you to leave."

I look at him incredulously. "You lost that option when you shut me out."

"You fucked someone. I was hurt," he says, his voice breaking.

I scoff, stepping back. "I didn'tfuckanyone, Asher. Your brother found a loophole to your rules and dared it to happen. But, so what? I agreed to it. And you fucked Jenny. Which is fine because she's your girlfriend. It's not my business. Just like who I fuck, isn't yours."

"You're mine though," he snares.