Page 65 of Vicious Games

I look at him with a bored expression. "Can't wait," I respond sarcastically.

Asher shoves his phone into his back pocket. "We have five minutes to think of dares. Then six hours to complete."

Blake gives me a'give it all you got'look. I'm tapping my fingers on the arm rest, trying to figure out what challenge I could give Asher now that the two of them are involved.

Asher looks at Blake with a serious expression. "You have to go find the time capsule we buried when we were younger."

Snorting, Blake twirls his vape between his fingers. "That's easy. Zayn, go down to Macy's, find the hottest sales person you can find and bang her in the change rooms."

Zayn grins. "Well, thanks brother. Sounds like a win-win to me."

I can't help but laugh at their stupidity. Boys will be boys. I look at Asher who is waiting for me.

"Asher, you have to masturbate at the campus bar."

He looks at me bewildered, before a dark expression crosses his features. I'm sure he's suddenly thinking of Wheels and me coming at the table.

"Fine," he says, looking away.

Zayn claps his hands. "Mine is easy. Kitty cat, you have to come with me to Macy's.Anddo whatever I ask of you during the trip."

"What?!" yells Asher. "Fuck no."

"He's not breaking any rules," Blake points out, taking an inhale on his vape. "He's not touching her so, really… you don't have a say here."

Asher looks at me but I shrug. "He's right, Asher. It's within the rules. So, I have to do it."

Chapter twenty-five

"Isn'tthisnice?Alittle brother-sister bonding," Zayn says, grinning from the driver's seat of his Jeep Wrangler.

We're on our way to Macy's and I'm still in the dark with what he's planning. So far, he hasn't asked me to do anything but I know something is coming. I can feel it.

Asher had a temper tantrum before we left, but finally relented, stomping off to his bedroom to get ready to go to the bar. Last I saw of Blake, he was disappearing into the yard with a shovel. The property is huge, but he seemed confident when he left that he knew where he was heading.

"I'd hardly call us siblings," I grumble, looking out the window. Shops are flying by, people out on leisurely strolls and adventures. How I envy them right now.

"Aw, don't be like that. I promise we'll have fun today."

Macy's comes into view and so far Zayn hasn't asked me to do anything. To the unsuspecting eye, we're just two people hanging out. But, evil does come in many forms.

He parks in the underground car park and we hop out. It's not overly busy tonight judging by the amount of cars here. Which is good, I hate shopping in huge crowds. Who knows, I might even be able to grab some new perfume today. I'm thankful we have late night shopping available as it's much better than going through the day time.

Zayn twirls his keys around his index finger, giving me a wink. "Let's go."

We head up the escalators in silence. Zayn looks like a kid walking into a candy store. I guess, in a way, he is.

I give a nod to the door greeter as we walk in. My eyes are drawn to the racks, my fingers running along various clothes as I eye them off. It almost feels like a normal shopping tripping, but the prize we leave with, is far greater than a pair of jeans or Calvin Klein underwear.

Zayn leads us to the women's section of the store, stopping at a rack of bras. He grabs the nearest one, a deep red lacey bra with gold dangly things, and holds it up.

"I think this would look amazing on you."

"Red's not really my color," I respond blankly.

Zayn chuckles. "But, it's Asher's favorite color. Or it used to be."

I ignore the dig about me and Asher, picking up a black matching set. "You guys seem so hell bent on thinking you still know him. You've been gone, what… six years? What makes you think he hasn't changed? You are probably strangers to him now."