Page 64 of Vicious Games

I'm worried, honestly about what Zayn and Blake will offer up. Asher I can handle, but these two… they are wildcards.

We're generational beings so Asher decided the best way to pick dare givers would be to use a random name generator on his phone. Each of us will get one tonight, and we have six hours to complete the dare. Then each day, we will spin again, eliminating the previous dare giver from the list.

The point system has been wiped clean so we don't have an advantage over Zayn and Blake. My prize is still the same, freedom, but the other three won't share theirs yet.

I argued with them that it's unfair, but at the end of the day, I'll get what I want and I'll be out of here. Whatever they decide is up to them. But I made it clear my dad's car is not up for grabs. Asher agreed, so I'm curious as to what he has his eyes set on next.

The only other rules we put down on the table were the twins aren't allowed to touch me, and the parents, or anyone else, must never know.

So, now I'm a bundle of nerves, waiting for the guillotine to strike. I have no idea what I am about to walk into. I could have used some liquid courage, but I made sure that I was safe to drive home. Maybe I can have a drink at home before we gather.

There's electricity flying through the house when I step through the door. It's quiet, but I can feel them. Here, somewhere… waiting.

I stroll into the kitchen and begin pouring myself a glass of wine. It goes down easily, the taste hitting my throat soothing it.

Footsteps head towards the kitchen just as I finish the glass. Zayn walks through the doorway, giving me a grin.

"Well, well. You're back finally. Where did you head off to?"

"Just out," I answer, pouring a second glass.

Zayn comes up to me, grabbing a second glass from the cupboard and motioning for me to pour him one too. I do so slowly, waiting for him to say what I know is on the tip of his tongue.

"Are you nervous?" he asks, stepping closer to me. He's close enough that I can feel the heat from his body. But he's not touching me… a dedication to Asher's rule. I can tell they like to push boundaries. So, the real question is, how far will they go?

"You wish," I say confidently. "It's you pair who should be afraid."

Zayn raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Why's that?"

"I'm not afraid of a challenge. And when my freedom is on the line, you better believe there's no line I wouldn't cross."

I regret it almost instantly, especially as I see Zayn's eyes flair.

"Really? Hm, that's interesting to know. I guess I'll have to be creative," he murmurs, reaching for his glass of wine. He deliberately brushes against my hand, his eyes watching me for a reaction.

I refuse to give him one, downing the rest of my own glass, then turning to put it in the sink.

I don't wish him luck or tell him to bring it, like I did Asher. Because something tells me he will, whether I like it or not.

"Right. We're all here, so let's get started," Asher says, but his tone is cold. There's trepidation in his expression, and I can't help but notice the way he glares at his brothers every so often.

He hates this. Whatever rift there is between them, he's feeling it now. We're bound together as play mates, forced to put all emotion aside to achieve glory.

We're sitting in the basement, waiting to get started. Blake is bored, perched on the couch with his legs up on the coffee table, smoking a vape. Zayn is standing in the corner, a grin on his face as he taunts Asher, who is watching me with a calculated expression.

"Spin the wheel, brother dearest. I don't have all day," Blake says.

"I'm getting there," snaps Asher, pulling out his phone.

I'm cross-legged on a single armchair, watching Asher. He lets out a long exhale, tapping the screen on his phone.

"First up, Zayn. You're dare giver is Blake."

"Lucky me," scoffs Blake. Zayn gives him a grin, clearly not worried at all.

Asher taps again. "Rylee, you're my dare giver. Blake, I'm yours."

"Ooh," says Zayn. "I guess that means I get you, Rylee. This should be fun."