Page 60 of Vicious Games

I watch the twins leave, the door closing behind them. As soon as their footsteps fade, Asher's towering over me.

"I had to tell her, Rylee. I thought she'd stop you from leaving."

Even though I already know he told mom, hearing him confess sucks.

"Well, jokes on you. She didn't give a shit."

Asher looks sad and I know he heard every word between me and mom.

"She loves you, Ry. She just doesn't get you. But I do. As for Jenny… I don't have an explanation. I just didn't want her to get suspicious."

I shake my head at him. "She wouldn't be suspicious if you kept your distance from me. You're cheating on her. I don't want to be the other woman. She deserves better. Which is why I need to leave. The game is getting out of control."

"Let me make it right," he says. "I'll … I'll figure things out. I'll break up with her if it makes you feel better."

I cry out in exasperation. "Of course it won't! You cannot break up with your girlfriend for me. We're nothing, Asher. Nothing. I'm just your fucked up stepsister. There's nothing between us."

Asher grabs the back of my head, his hand curling into the loose strands, making me gasp. "I have a dare. Take it, please."

"What is it?" I whisper, my body tense. But it's not fear I'm feeling.

"Kiss me."

My lips part as I stare at him in shock. "That'syour dare? No!"

"Fucking kiss me, Rylee!"

A magnetic force shoves us together, our mouths colliding as we wildly kiss. I'm not even sure who moved first, all I know is I can't stop. He's consuming me, dragging me under. His teeth tug on my bottom lip, making room for his tongue to sweep in. I'm still held up by his hand in my hair, the grip pulling tight but it feels so good, I never want him to let go.

My hands wrap around his neck, pulling him close as I press my body into his. I can feel everything and we're falling again.

If I'm going to stay for a day or two, I need a Plan B. Something to create distance between us, or a safety net.

Right now, we're isolated and if we don't stop, the dares will keep escalating. I'm afraid we'll do something we'll regret.

So, it only leaves me one option…

I pull back, panting as I look at him.

"My turn. I know what your dare is."

"Yeah?" Asher asks huskily.

Swallowing, I nod. "You let your brothers play too."

He tenses up, lost for words. He was expecting something else, begging for it. But, instead I gave him the ultimate ultimatum.

If he says yes, I'll stay. But if he says no, losing the dare, then he knows I'll walk.

"Ry, no. Please. Anything else."

"No, Asher. This is the dare."

Asher pulls back, slamming his hand against the wall. "Fuck. You don't know what you're getting into."

"Take it or leave it."

Part of me wonders which side of Asher will win the internal battle. The side that holds anger for his brothers, or the part that wants me to stay.