Page 59 of Vicious Games

Asher snaps his mouth shut as I step towards Blake.

"You're wrong. We're just playing a game. That's all. There'snothinghere. We're justsiblings," I spit out.

"A game? I love games." Zayn asks intrigued.

I realize I'm in a den of lions, but what they don't know is I'm a fucking lioness. Misogynists may say that the men are the hunters, but the thing about lionesses is they are faster, and more lethal hunters than their counterparts.

"Yeah, a game. And I was winning. Even when Asher tried to raise the stakes."

"Like how?" Asher demands.

And there it is. The feelings I had been holding onto finally exploding.

"You, pretending you care and putting me up on a pedestal. Just to leave me to listen to you and Jenny bang it out next door. You told my mother about my plans to leave. You act like it's part of the game, then flip and pretend it's not to catch me off guard. Well, I'm done, Asher Taylor. Shove it up your Uranus. Fucking Mercury's in retrograde and you've been a selfish asshole lately."

"Me?!" Asher yells. "You tried to get me to fuck my girlfriend's mom!"

Zayn snorts, earning another yell to shut up from me and Asher.

Blake sighs. "This is getting out of hand. Asher, step away and let her go."

"Thank you," I snap, waiting for Asher to move.

"No," growls Asher, grabbing my wrists. "Please, stay. Running away is not the answer."

I fight against him. "It's the solution. I've already got a house sorted, and hopefully soon, job interviews."

"A dare," he says quickly, making me freeze. "Do one more dare. And if you do it, I'll let you go."

I look at him in disbelief. "Yeah, right."

"I promise. But you have to hang around a few more days."

Leaving now is the best option, but he's not going to go down without a fight. The whole house is in shambles, broken as we try to make sense of the situation around us.

"I'll only stay a few more days if you three fuckers tell me the reason why you don't talk anymore."

Asher's face hardens, looking at his brothers. Zayn looks happy with the chaos, relishing in the devastation, whereas Blake looks bored as fuck.

"No," Asher argues.

I cross my arms, waiting for him to speak as I call his bluff. But he doesn't speak - no one does. At least not until Zayn pipes up, his deep voice full of promised havoc.

"I have an idea. Why don't we make the game a little more interesting? You'll have to fill us in on the rules though."

Asher and I both look at him, confused. "What?"

Zayn grins. "Yeah. I love playing games. I think Blake and I should play too. If you're going to leave kitty cat, might as well go out with a bang."

Chapter twenty-three

"Fuck,no,"saysAsher."You two need to leave this room right now. I don't want you anywhere near her."

Blake scoffs. "You're being very dramatic, Asher. The brooding hero. Get over it."

"Leave," I say to the twins without breaking eye contact with Asher.

Zayn pretends to pout. "You're no fun. I'm sure you'll change your mind. After all, who doesn't like to raise a little hell on their way out. Come on, Blake. I think we should have a word with daddy and our new momma bear."