Page 52 of Vicious Games

"Don't," he says, resting his head on my bare legs.

I can feel my heart breaking, wishing I could make us both stop hurting.

"Just stay the night with me, please. Just one night," he begs, looking back up at me.

I shouldn't. I reallyreallyshouldn't. Common sense says I should put my pants on and run now. But I'm already nodding.


I take a quick shower at the suggestion of Asher. I'm surprised he wanted me to go alone, since I thought he would have jumped at the chance to join me. I'm confused until I step back into my room and spot my belongings back on the bed, and my car keys no where in sight.

He's not in the room so I leave to go searching for him. I can hear banging in the kitchen, so I follow the noise, amused to see him pulling out food.

"I'm going to cook," he says, sensing me as I step in behind him. I watch him turn to look at me, doing a double take. I'm in one of his shirts, a simple black cotton one that I found in his room. I decided to steal one – after all, isn't it customary to wear the guy's shirt after you have the biggest orgasm of your life?

"Sounds good. I'm still leaving tomorrow though, you know that, right?"

Asher looks away, grabbing cooking utensils out. "We'll talk about it tomorrow."

I roll my eyes, abandoning that conversation for now. We're on different pages again, but stubborn Asher is determined to get his way. If he thinks I'm giving up without a fight, he has another thing coming. We can live in make believe fantasy for today, but tomorrow is another story. No matter how fucked up the reality is, we will never get through it if we don't face it.

I'm even more fucked up now thinking about leaving. But if I keep telling myself over and over, I'll begin to believe the lies.

The doorbell chime sounds out around the house, making us both pause. I'm suddenly terrified but Asher looks at me, giving me a reassuring nod.

"It won't be Jenny. She's at Brightmore. Do you want me to answer it?"

I look at the food on the bench, shaking my head. "No, it's fine. I'll get it. As long as you're sure."

He nods sternly, and I turn, heading towards the door. I can feel my heartbeat increasing with every step and I don't realize I'm holding my breath until I swing open the door and find it's not Jenny.

"Can I help you?" I ask, staring at the visitors.

I have no idea who they are, but standing in front of me are what I assume are identical twins. They look a few years older than me, dressed in jeans, cotton shirts and leather jackets, despite the fact it's fucking boiling hot. Their short brown hair is styled, tucked back neatly as they stare at me from behind sunglasses. They don't look like the type of people who live around here so I can only guess they are salesmen of some kind. Or religious doorknockers. Christ, the Mormons must really be upping their recruitment strategies.

One of them looks behind me, speaking as the other looks around, staring up at the house. "Yeah, maybe."

He looks me up and down, taking in my oversized shirt. I wrap my arms protectively around my torso.

"And who are you?" I ask impatiently.

I hear Asher approaching behind me, his footsteps slowing, before speeding back up again. He stops behind me, glaring daggers at the twins.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he demands.

The twins look at him, giving a smirk. The one who had been quiet, finally speaks up.

"Did you miss us brother?"

Wait... brother?

I stare at them for a few seconds. They slowly remove their sunglasses and I see it… grey eyes like the ones that haunt me every night.

I swing around to look at Asher, my eyes searching his face for the truth. Without breaking his gaze from them, he grabs my wrist, like he's claiming me.

"Rylee, meet my asshole twin brothers, Blake and Zayn."

Chapter twenty-one