Page 41 of Vicious Games

Volts and I jump as the bar door swings open, a worried, slightly beaten up Butch looking in.

"Lee, are you alright?"

I nod, holding back tears as I take in his state. Butch looks at Volts. "We all have to get out of here, now!"

Volts looks at me in concern, before nodding, taking off to lock up the bar. Butch puts his arm under mine, lifting me up.

"I'm sorry, Lee. I need to get you out of here before the cops show up. Can you hold onto me?"

"Yeah," I say, letting him pull me out the door towards his bike.

Most of the Norsemen and Rebels are gone. Vito is already on his bike, waiting for us. He gives me a quick look over, frowning as Butch flings us both onto the bike. He doesn't waste time with helmets, instead just shooting us off out of the carpark. Volts is just behind us, getting into his beat-up car, and I watch over my shoulder as he makes it out tonight.

Wheels is nearly out of view when I see flashing lights in the distance pulling into the carpark. But we're all gone thankfully. No one is getting arrested.

The police have been trying to crack down on biker activity, arresting them for anything and everything, then topping up the charges where they can.

I cling extra hard to Butch as we fly towards my house, my hair whipping violently in the wind. My limbs are shaking and I feel like I'm going to pass out, but we make it.

My driveway comes into view and I send a silent thank you to whoever is listening that Asher's Aston Martin is nowhere to be seen.

Butch and Vito help me inside, carrying me up the stairs to my room. They offer to drive me to the hospital but I refuse, letting them know I'll be fine. Reluctantly, they agree, finally leaving when I'm tucked into bed.

And finally, after years of holding it in, I cry.

Chapter seventeen

Iraidmom'smedicinecabinet a short time later. Thankfully, I can walk and breathe okay so I assume nothing is broken. But it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like a motherfucker.

Bruises are already forming on my cheek and abdomen, and my hands are cut up slightly from the gravel. I'm hoping mom has something in here as I search through the orange tubes.

"Jackpot," I mutter, finding some in date painkillers.

I throw one back, using my hand to cup some water at the sink. It's the best I can do at the moment until the pain eases off.

Slipping back into bed, I send off a quick message to Butch, asking if they are okay. He responds fairly quickly, saying they are laying low but everyone is fine. He asks how I am and I quickly decide to give him the half-truth.

"All fine here too," I type out, saying the words out loud.

It doesn't take long for the painkillers to kick in, making me a little drowsy and a fair bit high. I have Netflix open on my phone, watching Grey's Anatomy when I hear my bedroom door creak open.

Fuck, I had temporarily forgotten abouthim. Don't ask me how. I'm sure it's a combination of the pain from getting the shit kicked out of me and the euphoric high I'm currently riding.

"How are you in bed? It's the afternoon," he scoffs.

"I'm resting," I mumble.

Asher walks towards the bed, looking at my lazy form. "Seriously. Did your park visit exhaust you that much?"

I frown in confusion, before realizing he must have seen my Facebook post. "Yep. So, leave me alone."

I'm refusing to look at him. Mainly because I'm still pissed about the fight, and also because I have a bruise on my cheek I don't want him to see.

Asher throws himself on the end of the bed, laying sideways while watching me. "Don't you want your next dare?"

His timing is impeccable, of course. The stupid game is the last thing on my mind right now. I'm too busy watching McDreamy while in buzz land to care.

"Nope," I slur out.