Page 29 of Vicious Games

What's even scarier is the next dare is mine. And who knows what vicious games he will play.

"You're quiet again. I'm getting worried," Phoebe says, putting another round of drinks on the table.

Phoebe, Connor and I are at the campus bar, catching up. Well, I'm also trying to get drunk and laid to forget all my troubles. The stakes are higher than they were before, and I refuse to lose. I can't, I just can't…

I take a sip, giving her a smile. "I'm fine. Just in a weird place trying to sort things out."

I'm tempted to tell them about the game but tonight's not the time. I need to focus on other things and let loose.

The bar isn't as packed as usual. A lot of students have gone home for the holidays so there's empty tables around us. I'm on my third drink, downing them as quickly as my body will allow without getting completely wasted. I'm not going to let myself get too far gone that I put myself in danger. Sure, a bit of danger is fun but being cornered down alleyways and having guns pointed at your face, is not.

We sit and chat, talking about plans. Phoebe and Connor are going away for a few days to see Connor's family. It will be good for them to have a mini vacation. They both work hard, studying and working. I know Phoebe especially has a habit of working herself until she's burnt out.

Connor taps a message out on his phone. "Some guys are stopping in soon. I told them they can come hang with us."

I've never met any of his friends, but if they are anything like Connor, then I'm sure I'll approve.

The bar music is low, just enough that I can hear the words but we can still talk without having to yell over the top of it.

Connor waves at someone behind me, and I turn, spotting two guys heading in our direction. I'm shocked when I realize one of them is Chuck.

"Hey, guys," Connor says, giving them a fist bump and hug. Phoebe waves at them, clearly unfazed by the newcomers. I suspect she's met them already.

Chuck spots me, giving me a surprised look. "Rylee. Hi."

Connor looks between us. "You guys know each other?"

"Yeah," I answer, wondering how much information I should verbalize.

"We met a few weeks ago through mutual friends," Chuck says, and I nod. Apparently he doesn't want to share it was at Wheels.

He's dressed differently tonight. You wouldn't know he was a Rebel. Instead of his usual club colors, he's in jeans and a hoodie. I have to wonder if Connor and Phoebe know that he's a biker.

Connor nods slowly. "Okay… well, Rylee, this is Tyson," he says, pointing to the other guy. He looks similar to Chuck with dark hair and blue eyes.

"Brothers," Chuck says, answering my question.

"Oh. Well, it's nice to meet you, Tyson."

Tyson nods once, his face warm and friendly. "Likewise."

Chuck looks at the drinks on the table and motions to the bar. "I'm going to go grab a drink. Anyone want anything?"

They murmur their order in reply and I slip off my stool. "I'll come with you," I offer.

We head up to the bar, and when we are out of earshot, I look at Chuck. He clears his throat as he pulls out his wallet. "They don't know."

"I won't tell. It's not my place to say," I utter quietly.

Chuck nods, giving the order to the bartender. We wait for the drinks, an awkward silence hanging between us.

"So, does Butch know you're out tonight?" he finally says.

I laugh sincerely. "I go out a lot, so they probably assume."

He sips his drink, not turning to head back to the table. "And why is that?"

Shrugging, I follow suit, pleased at the buzz growing in my body. "Escapism."