Page 24 of Vicious Games

My hand grips his length, drawing a hiss from between his lips. I give a few test strokes, trying to gauge how he likes it. Firm, I discover as I stroke him, my thumb brushing across the tip.

We need to make this quick because every second that passes, is another second we are closer to being busted. I shift forward on my knees so I can reach him better, leaning forward to encase him in my warm mouth.

"Holy fuck," he groans under his breath, his hips lifting to fill my mouth further. I can taste his salty pre-cum as I lower my mouth down his shaft, doing my best to tease him with my tongue. He chokes back groans as his hands turn white from the claw like grip they have on the wooden desk.

I increase my speed, sucking hard like a Dyson vacuum as I cup his balls. He's tense, and already I can tell he hasn't been touched in ages. It's a lot for him, the feelings, the pleasure because he doesn't last very long. He comes with a gurgled groan, shooting his load down my throat. I quickly swallow, though I'm tempted to spit it on Professor Sampson's floor. But sadly, that would just lead to questions and I need to fly under the radar.

Kev takes a minute to compose himself, before he hastily tucks himself away, zipping up his trousers. He shoots up, grabbing his bag.

"Remember, no one can know," he says, unable to look me in the eye as he quickly takes off towards the exit. As he disappears from sight, I deflate, mortified that I went through with it but also conflicted with the sense of pride that I beat Asher again.

I almost jump out of my skin when a slow clap sounds around the room. I look up in panic, spotting Asher sitting in the back row of the seats. How Kev missed him, I have no idea but I stare in disbelief.

Asher stands, walking down the stairs as he approaches me.

"I didn't think you had it in you to be honest," he says, hands in his jean pockets. "Well done."

"How long were you watching?"

He chuckles. "I walked in a few minutes ago. Figured something was up when the dork had his eyes closed so tight. He actually started to go purple in the face from holding his breath."

"Seriously? Were you checking up on me?"

"Of course," he confirms. "How else would I know if it really happened? I knew you had an opportunity this afternoon, and you're not a very patient person."

I roll my eyes. "You'll have to trust me," I say, quoting him.

Asher laughs, raising a hand to stroke my jaw with his thumb. "I do like to watch though. There's something powerful about seeing someone lost to their pleasure, don't you agree?"

My answer is caught on my tongue as movement catches my attention out of the corner of my eye. I turn my head at the same time Asher does, spotting Jenny standing at the door. She looks between us, her lethal glare resting on Asher's hand on my face.

Panic floods me. How much had she heard? Or seen?

I rip away from Asher, grabbing my stuff before silently taking off up the stairs. I avoid looking at her as I pass, trying to put as much distance between myself and the bomb that is about to detonate.

Chapter eleven


I look at Phoebe, who is staring at me with suspicion. I shake my head at her. "Sorry, been a rough few days. What did you say?"

We're sitting on campus, lounging around the grassy field, enjoying the sunshine. Connor shouldn't be far off, but it's nice to have girl time.

"I said, how are you surviving at home without your parents."

I'm picking at my blueberry muffin, not hungry at all. The last few days have been tough. I've been avoiding Asher, waiting for the fallout from my impromptu blowjob on poor Kev. I did, however, manage to get my assessment done thanks to his guidance.

"It's quiet, but that's good. I like not having to dance on eggshells, worried I'm not living up to expectations."

Phoebe digs into her salad. "And the boy wonder? You haven't murdered him yet?"

If only she knew.

"No, I haven't seen him," I answer honestly.

Asher has spent a fair bit of time lately out of the house. With classes finishing for break in the next few days, I imagine he was with Jenny and his friends, getting ready for their trip. I can't wait to have the house to myself, it will be like my birthday and Christmas coming at the same time.

"Weird," Phoebe replies. "That's good though, right?"