Page 21 of Vicious Games

I finally fall asleep around the break of dawn, succumbing to the exhaustion and fatigue. But even in such a state, I still have nightmares. In fact, they are worse than real life.

Because in my nightmares, it's not the Norseman pointing the gun at me.

It's Asher.

Chapter ten


Even with only a few hours sleep, I wake early. The sun blinds me, the light immediately causing my head to pound like a jack hammer is drilling into my skull.

I groan as I climb out of bed, cursing at nature's messed up ability to wake us before we are ready. I'm over today already and it's barely even started.

I don't even bother to get changed yet, heading downstairs to get coffee. I'm surprised that the kitchen is empty. Usually at this time, mom will be in here, hovering over the coffee machine.

Mid-way through making my much needed caffeinated beverage, footsteps approach. I glance over at Asher as he enters. He's topless, covered in sweat as he opens the fridge to retrieve a bottle of water. He likes to go running in the mornings, a routine he's had for as long as I've known him.

"I thought you slept naked," he asks, taking a long drink.

I scoff, scowling at him as I pick up my now filled cup. "It's too early for you to be perverted. Can you save it until at least lunch time?"

Asher laughs, wiping his forehead. He pushes his hair back, leaning against the counter. "Someone's grouchy this morning. Got in late last night too. Was he really that bad?"

I freeze as memories taunt me. I avoid his eyes as I turn away. "You don't know what you're talking about, so shut it."

"Aw, come on," Asher says, pushing off the counter to walk around me. He faces me, a crooked smile on his face. "Today is going to be fun."

I roll my eyes, bringing my cup to my lips. "Why is that?"

"Well, dad and Charlotte have left for the ranch for a few weeks. So, it's just us, sis. And I believe it's my turn to give you a dare."

Truthfully, I'm not in the mood today. I have classes, and I'm already burnt out. Last night shook me up, and I have to use all of my strength to get over how messed up it was. I want my freedom, but I just need a break today.

"I'm busy today," I snap, stepping back from him. "Save it for tomorrow."

Asher reaches out, his fingers trailing up the side of my exposed abdomen. His trace leaves tingles, and I'm mad at myself for being so easily effected when I'm vulnerable.

He stops his hand when he reaches the hem of my shirt. "That's not the rules. We do the dares when they are made. Or you forfeit the points."

We're two-all, and I really don't fancy having him shoot ahead. I look down at his hand, then back up to his face.

"And how do I know you didn't jerk off last night?"

Asher steps towards me, his hand flattening against the bottom of my ribcage. "You'll just have to trust me, I guess. But I don't cheat. So, do you want to know your dare or not?"

He's got me cornered, and he knows it.

"Fine," I say, pushing his hand away roughly. "What is it?"

I can take whatever he throws at me. And I'll be sure to dish it out, twice as bad.

"You have to seduce Kev McTroy. Maybe just a little BJ."

"What?!" I gasp. "You've got to be joking."

Kev McTroy is a nice guy. A bit dorky looking – your typical tall, lanky nerd, but cute. Not usually my type but that's not the problem. The issue is he happens to be the aide of one of my college professors. Therefore, astaff member.

Brightmore is big on their policies, and of course, like any educational facility, relationships between staff and students is strictly forbidden. I might be planning to leave college soon anyway, but this is a sure fire way to get kicked out if things go south. Especially if Kev takes offence to my advances and tells the Dean. I'm already in shit there as it is.