Page 15 of Vicious Games

"Might as well wait until 9:00am to start," I mutter, opening up Facebook.

My newsfeed is full of pictures from people's weekend, as well as the various sports and music pages I follow. I snort at a few memes, keeping an eye on the time when I get a notification that I have a new message in my inbox. I assume it's Phoebe, checking in since I've been very slack with my messages. I had responded to her over the weekend, assuring her I was alive but she can usually tell when something's up.

I open the messages, my heart skipping a beat when I see the sender's name.

Asher Taylor.

"You've got to be kidding me…" I trail off, wondering if I should open it. Once I do, he'll know it's been read but I can't see all of the message from the preview. It's cryptic, and I have no doubt he deliberately set it up that way to entice me to open it. My fingers hover over the wireless mouse, and before I can stop my own intrigue, I've opened it.

Asher Taylor: Family night went well I believe. Though a few matters remain unresolved. I think we should clear them up.

I clench my teeth, trying to ignore the heat in my cheeks as I shoot back a reply.

Rylee Selwood: And what matters would they be?

Instantly, I see the message bubble pop up as he types back a reply.

Asher Taylor: The rules of the game, of course.

Rylee Selwood: And what do you propose?

Asher Taylor: Simple. We take turns dishing out challenges. If the winner completes the challenge, they get two points. If they don't, the other person takes the points. First one to reach 20, wins.

Sounds easy enough. I'm a little surprised that he still wants to play after I called his bluff last night. But anything that helps get me out of here faster, is a win for me. There's nothing I want more than to leave this town, so there's nothing I won't do to win. I type out a swift reply.

Rylee Selwood: Fine. And I believe it's my turn to hand out the dare. Meet me tonight at 6:00pm. If you can handle it of course.

I close the internet browser without waiting for a reply, checking the time to see it's now 9:04am.

"Shit," I curse. "Better just wait until 10:00am to start."

Copious amounts of Grey's Anatomy fills my day, and before I realise, it's mid-afternoon. My assignment is still incomplete and I know shit's going to hit the fan, but I suddenly have a new target to aim for.

I've been trying to decide on this dare, racking my brain for ideas when mom pops her head into the dining room.

"Rylee, I know it's late notice but we're going to go to the ranch tomorrow for a few weeks. We were hoping to catch you and Asher for dinner again."

A smirk tugs on my lips as I look at her. "Yeah, sure."

Her eyes widen in confusion, lips already parted with an argument as to why I should be involved in quality family time. She swallows her shock and nods. "Right, well... say 6:30pm?"

I close the laptop, standing up. "Sounds good, Mom. I just have to duck out really quick to take care of something. But don't worry, I promise I'll be back."

Walking past her, I stop and give her a devious smile. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

The dime bag in my pocket feels heavy as I make my way back into the house. It's nearly 6pm, and I can't wipe the smirk off my face. It's as if all the fates are aligning and the thrill of the challenge is making my blood rush.

When I walked into the bar to find Butch, he nearly passed out from laughing so hard when I asked for his help. I knew what I needed, but no idea how to obtain it. But I figured if anyone knew, it would be the Rebels.

I walk into my bedroom, surprised to find Asher sitting in the exact spot I had been last night when I had come in front of him. He looks up from his phone, tilting his head as he looks over me. If last night affected him, he doesn't show it today. His composure is calm, not at all thrown off by the fact he saw my bits while I got myself off in front of him.

"Asher," I greet coolly, closing the door behind me. "You're very punctual."

"So are you for once," he replies, putting his phone down on the bed.

I sit on my computer chair, turning it to face him, a role reversal that I intend to use in my power play. "Are you ready for your dare?"

Asher snorts, a fire in his eyes that spills confidence. But I'll burn him to the ground, he just doesn't know it yet.