Page 76 of Finding Hope

“I’m not a big fan.” She yawned.

“No, it’s not much fun.”

“I imagine you know all about adrenaline hangovers.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“The rescue. Your adrenaline had to be pumping pretty good that day.”

He had tensed but relaxed again at her explanation. Then he laughed. “I can’t believe you got all that done in one day.” Hope melted against him as he continued stroking her hair. “Why are you down here by yourself? Why didn’t you come get me?”

“Look at me! I can hardly stay awake. Would you want to hang out with me right now?” She frowned. “Oh wait, you are. Alex, this isn’t a very good decision on your part.”

“I never said I was smart.” He kissed her and leaned her head against his shoulder.

Hope snuggled into him, her eyelids feeling like they weighed a thousand pounds.

* * *

Sunlight streamed into the room when she awoke. Hope darted her gaze around the room, not recognizing her surroundings. Finally, everything snapped into focus.

I’m in Alex’s bed!

She yanked the sheet up and looked down—she was fully clothed. Next to her, the other side of the bed was still made. She had a vague memory of Alex helping her stumble up the stairs last night.

Hope flipped the covers back and stood, feeling remarkably refreshed. Opening the door, she looked across the room at the couch, a rumpled blanket at one end. At the other end of the apartment, Alex stood at the patio door with a coffee cup at his mouth.

As if he sensed her, he turned and brightened upon seeing her. He set his cup down on the counter before rushing to the coffeepot, where a second mug was already waiting. He poured and brought the cup to her. “I don’t have any cream. Is black ok?”

“It’s perfect. Thank you.”

“How are you feeling?”

She swallowed her coffee and smiled. “Wonderful, actually. I don’t really remember coming up here last night. I’ve never had wine affect me like that before.”

“It wasn’t the wine. You’ve been running yourself ragged the last few days, and it caught up with you.” Alex checked the clock on the wall. “I need to get to work. Why don’t you join me on the morning trip? I’m splitting the groups with Robert, so I can add another tank no problem.”

She thought about it a moment and said, “You’re on. I think that’s exactly what I need.”

He closed the distance between them, cupping her face in his hands. His kiss sent waves of desire through her. “Don’t be late, Boss Lady.”

* * *

Hope was the last to board the boat, dressed in a staff shirt and a long swim skirt. Just looking at the boat made her heart pound. Robert had informed her the owner needed it back soon, which made purchasing a new one an immediate priority, and she still hadn’t talked to Alex about it.

Both morning dives were relaxing and fun. Hope was fully confident again and recovered from her near-drowning. Alex paid extra attention to her with errant touches and looks, though he hardly let on it was on purpose.

After returning to the boat from the second dive, she shook her head, smiling as Alex climbed back on board, looking more like a Christmas tree than a dive guide with his BCD decorated with a magnetic slate, various pointers, lights, compass, reels, SMB, and other strange things she couldn’t guess the purpose of. Is that a magnifying glass? He sat, sliding the tank into its holder in one practiced motion in his usual spot closest to the stern.

Hope pulled her wetsuit off, wrapping herself in a towel and wrestling her unruly hair into a staff baseball hat. Tommy began the trip back home as Alex removed the regulators from the tanks.

Wanting to stay out of his way, Hope made her way to the stern platform, standing near the ladder to warm up in the sun. The boat left a large white wake behind it, creating a serpentine as Tommy turned the wheel periodically.

Eventually, Alex appeared at her side. He wore his staff T-shirt and had his hands clasped behind his back, both of them facing the wake. He bent closer and whispered in her ear, “Do you have any idea how sexy you are right now?”

She laughed, then replied in a low voice, “You’re blind. I’m wearing a towel and my hair is so awful I have to wear a baseball hat.”

He turned to her, hands still clasped, and even though they were both wearing sunglasses, she could feel the intensity of his gaze.