Page 69 of Finding Hope

Hope pounded his chest with both fists, screaming, “Damn you! Do you have any idea what I went through yesterday? Do you know how scared I was? For hours, I didn’t know if you guys were alive or dead. HOURS, Alex! It was awful. Guess how I spent yesterday afternoon? I had to organize a command center for an emergency, complete with a whole meal for the entire resort on no notice. I had to answer to a goddamn reporter about something I had no information about.

“Oh, and best of all? I had to comfort two wives who were afraid they were widows!” Hope glared at him, eyes blazing. “I sat next to that phone in the office, staring at it. I didn’t eat. I didn’t drink. Why? Because I knew none of you could either. I paced back and forth in that damn room for HOURS!”

The anger fled, and the tears built again. She stared at the floor, chest heaving.

No! No tears, dammit.

Hope took a deep breath to gather herself, then looked back up at him and continued in a much softer voice, anguished. “I didn’t know if you were alive or dead. Do you have any idea how that felt? I stared at that goddamn phone, willing it to ring, yet terrified it would.”

She deflated, mirroring his position on the table with her hands resting on it.

Hope said in a soft, exhausted voice, “Please, just do this for me. Take one day and rest. That’s all I ask. I need to know you’re ok.”

Tears slid down her cheeks—she couldn’t control them.

Alex had stood silent throughout her rage, eyes wide and shattered. Now he jolted, hurrying over to Hope and wrapping her in his arms. At his touch, she lost control all over again, averted grief this time instead of anger. She clutched him to her, sobbing out her fear and misery. He held back tightly, stroking her head as he slowly shifted from foot to foot, almost slow dancing.

Her throat was sore with the force of it as she completely let go, holding back as tightly as he held her.

Eventually, her sobs slowly lessened, turning to occasional hiccups. She finally quieted, and Alex took her arms and pressed her back so they could see eye to eye. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have been teasing you. I never thought about what you might be going through.” His voice cracked. “I never in a million years meant to hurt you. Never.”

Hope sniffed and pressed against him again. “This is the third time I’ve cried my eyes out in your arms, you know. You’d probably never believe this, but I’ve made it a life goal never to let a man see me cry.” She laughed weakly. “I guess I have changed.”

His face was pressed tightly against her head. “The last thing I want is to see you cry. I’m so sorry.” He took a deep breath. “God, I’m an asshole.”

She had to laugh at that, still pressed against him. “Maybe we both are. God knows I’ve jumped down your throat over pretty stupid stuff. I feel like you see me at my worst. Things haven’t exactly been tranquil since I arrived.” She was able to smile now, feeling better having gotten it all out and at home in his arms. “I’m surprised you haven’t run screaming from here and found somewhere else to work.”

Alex pulled back and wiped the tears off her cheeks, smiling at her. “Eh, it’s not so bad. I’ve been through rougher things. Not many, but a few have been worse.”

“You jerk. I’m thinking about heading to the humane society tomorrow to look at golden retrievers.” She hugged him, feeling a brief pressure on the top of her head. Did he just kiss my head?

His chest expanded as he sighed. “Ok, I’ll stay home today, but only because you asked. Besides, I’ve got some scuba equipment I can work on instead.”

Her anger flared again. Hope pulled away from him and jabbed her finger into his chest. “Oh, no you don’t. Rest, I said. I mean it, Alex. Don’t you mess with me.”

He held up his hands, smiling now. “Ok, Boss Lady. I’m a man who knows how to follow a direct order.”

She sniffed again. “I need to blow my nose. Where’s some tissue?”

He shrugged. “I don’t have any, but there are paper towels there in the kitchen.”

“Paper towels, great.” She walked toward the kitchen, shooting him a dirty look.

“Hey, I’m not a tissue kind of guy.”

She ripped off a sheet and blew into it. Reading him correctly, she opened the cabinet under the sink to throw it in the trash and washed her hands. “That’s better. I’m glad it’s settled.”

Hope took another deep breath and pointed at him. “Now, sit down, shut up, and eat your breakfast.”

She widened her eyes as Alex came to attention, saluted her crisply, and replied, “Yes, ma’am.”

Well, he’s done that a time or two.

Then he moved to the table, sitting down and inspecting his food.

“I’ll come and check on you later.” Smiling, she ran a hand across his shoulder as she walked toward the door.

“Hey, Hope?”