Page 40 of Finding Hope

Hope stopped to tread water, pleased he was breathing as hard as she.

“What got into you this morning, or are you punishing me for no reason?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Was that too much for you? I’ll remember to hold myself back next time.” She laughed as he splashed her. “I’m heading back.”

“You go ahead,” he said. “I’ll just wait here for Tommy to pick me up.”

“My scuba instructor gave me excellent advice on how to help a tired diver. I’m sure the same principles apply to swimmers.” She was still breathing hard and trying not to laugh. “Perhaps you need some help getting back to the pier?”

Alex’s grin widened as he treaded water. “That might be a good idea. Better stay close to me on the way back in case I need to be rescued.”

She got back to the pier first. As she finished dressing, Alex climbed the ladder behind her. She walked down the pier, tossing behind her, “Have a good day, Mr. Monroe.”

After a shower and breakfast, Hope made her way into the kitchen, widening her eyes at the aroma. Gerold was at the range, standing over an enormous stockpot. “That smells incredible! What’s cooking, Gerold?”

He turned and saluted her with a large spoon. “I’m startin’ the stock for the lobster bisque. The longer it simmers, the better.”

“Oh, I love lobster bisque! Hey, I had an idea—can you listen and stir at the same time?”

“Hit me.”

“What do you think about the idea of you teaching a weekly cooking class for the guests?”

Gerold dropped his spoon and whirled toward her. “I would love to teach a cookin’ class!” He said it quietly and reverently.

Hope laughed, holding a hand to her mouth. “No, tell me how you really feel.”

He wiped his hands on a towel and went back to stirring his stock. “I talked to Steve several times about doin’ a cookin’ class. It’s just about standard at any resort destination, but he wasn’t interested. Said he didn’t think the guests would care.”

“Well, I disagree. I think any of our guests would be lucky to attend any class you taught.”

He gave her a smile. “Thanks. Did you have somethin’ specific in mind?”

“Not really. I’ll leave the details for you. This is your wheelhouse, after all. My only suggestion would be a weekly class—mid-afternoon would be a good time. The kitchen isn’t too busy then, and that way the divers could also attend.” She came up to the pot and inhaled the savory aroma. “And I agree with you one-hundred percent about needing to start one. You’ll run an incredible class.”

“I can’t wait! I’ll let you know what I come up with.”

She met his eyes. “And Gerold, if you have any other suggestions or ideas, please come to me. I’ll always listen to what you have to say.” Hope turned around and pushed through the double doors, pleased the resort was running so well.

Everything’s going great. I’ve finally got my footing here and hopefully the obstacles are behind me now.


Hope closed her eyes as Alex moved the throttle to full, the breeze caressing her face. The afternoon was balmy, but the seas were calm and inviting. He’d surprised her by showing up at her office door at noon and asking if she wanted to go on a private dive with him that afternoon.

Hope couldn’t deny being pleased at the prospect.

“I’d really like to go back and take a closer look. It was the end of the dive and I had people low on air, but I think I saw two seahorses on this morning’s dive.” Alex radiated excitement.

The dive site wasn’t far from the resort, and he soon slowed the boat before putting it in neutral. Turning to Hope, he said, “Keep her here in neutral while I dive down to moor us to the buoy.”

Hope’s heart sped up. “What? I don’t know how to drive a boat!”

“You’re not driving it—you’re basically babysitting. Just keep the throttle in neutral. You never engage the propellers when someone’s in the water. Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.”

With that, he put on his mask and fins and dove off the bow. And true to his word, he was back on the surface a short time later. “Turn the key to shut the engine off.” She did, and he soon climbed back on board.

Quickly going over the dive briefing with her, Alex said, “I hope I can find the seahorses. We don’t see them often, especially more than one, and they’re really cool. One of my favorite things to see.”