Page 35 of Finding Hope

“Was anyone else even there that early?”

Her brow furrowed. “Not outside. They had just gotten started in the kitchen, so I was by myself. Why?”

“You met a complete stranger in the parking lot? Alone?”

“I think I can judge whether he was dangerous, you know. And he seemed pretty harmless.” She scowled. “Wait a minute. Are you saying I’m just a weak woman and can’t take care of myself?”

“No!” Alex took a breath, then continued in a calmer tone. “All I’m saying is that an attractive woman needs to worry about things a man doesn’t. You’re going to face situations here Steve never had to be concerned with.” He paused. “You have my cell phone number, right?”

“Yes, I have everyone’s.” Hope was doing her best to ignore the glowing feeling in her stomach. His outburst had been out of concern and not chauvinism. Not to mention he’d called her attractive.

“If you ever get in a situation where you need help, call me. I can be there in seconds.”

A smile crept across her face. “I’ll do that. Thanks. And I’m sorry about earlier.”

He nudged her foot, his face serious. “You know, this whole teaching you scuba thing will be a lot easier if you trust me.”

Her smile fell. “I don’t trust easily. But I’m working on it.”

“Well then, it’s a good thing trust is something I take pretty seriously.”

Their gazes held for a long moment before Hope turned.

She left Alex to his work and headed back to her house. Their conversation had brought home that she was possibly putting her life in Alex’s hands. She was still nervous about learning to dive, but couldn’t deny feeling completely at ease whenever in his presence.

It also hadn’t escaped her notice that twice now she’d gotten angry at him for no reason, and he’d reacted calmly and wanted to discuss the problem. That reassured her. Alex didn’t seem like the type to run when things got tough.

Are you finally ready to trust someone again?

“Maybe,” Hope said to no one as the warm waves splashed over her feet. She smiled, looking forward to her adventure.


Hope breathed through her regulator as she knelt at the bottom of the pool, watching Alex carefully. He closed his eyes, grasped the top of his mask, and cracked it open, filling it with water. Next he tilted his head back, pressed against the top of the mask between his eyes, and gently blew through his nose, replacing the water inside the mask with air. Alex accomplished this in a single, effortless motion. Opening his eyes, he pointed to her.

Ok, that looks easy enough . . .

Hope gave him the ok and closed her eyes. Inhaling deeply, she cracked the edge of her mask like he did, and it filled with water. Her heart raced as the water hit her closed eyes, but she fought through it. Instead of Alex’s steady exhale, she blew the air out in a series of frantic snorts. Then she inhaled through her nose, got a noseful of water, and began coughing and snorting before quickly swimming toward the surface.

Hope ripped off her mask and held on to the edge of the pool while she coughed. “Oh God! How did you do that so easily?”

Alex laughed as she continued to hack, snot dripping from her nose. “I’ve done it a time or two.”

“Hasn’t anyone told you it’s rude to laugh at your students?”

That only made him smile more. “You’re doing fine. Don’t try to rush it. Get used to the water in your mask and take a couple of breaths through your reg before you clear the water out. Remember, it’s bad to breathe through your nose underwater.” He laughed again. “Come on, let’s try again.”

They descended once more, and after a few more tries, Hope was able to clear the water from her mask more successfully. Alex applauded her, and she forgave him for laughing at her.

She was proud of herself and, above all, impressed at the depth and comprehensiveness of the certification. Hope was also pleased Alex let nothing slide. He made her perform every skill until she was comfortable with it. And when she fumbled with something, he was right there to help. She was still somewhat apprehensive about the whole thing, but gaining confidence with every minute they spent together.

* * *

Still fresh from her shower after the pool session, Hope sat in her home office with her laptop open. She frowned at the resort website. Each page was a different color, and there wasn’t any brand consistency. She wanted to do a complete brand and website overhaul, but that would be a big, expensive project.

Her phone buzzed with a text.

Sara: You drunk on strawberry margaritas yet?