Page 31 of Finding Hope

Terri lay on the sand while Denise stood, leaning over with her elbows on her knees as she inhaled quick lungfuls of air.

“Take deep breaths, Denise. We made it back ok.” Hope tried to keep up a steady stream of encouragement. She was tired too, but in a lot better shape than the other two. When they had recovered, Hope walked them to their bungalow, then waved goodbye.

She walked along the beach toward her house. Maybe some formal training wasn’t such a bad idea. She was never in any danger, but Denise could have gotten into real trouble if Hope hadn’t helped her to shore. Maybe it’s time to talk to Alex about this diving thing. That class might have helped me with Denise.

She turned her gaze toward the pier.


Alex stepped out of the dive shop into the late afternoon sunshine, absorbing his peaceful surroundings with a smile. He had tomorrow off and looked forward to some solo diving. As of now, he was officially off duty.

He walked to the end of the pier to make sure nothing was left behind. A woman sat on a bench. This area was prime real estate on the resort, so it wasn’t unusual to find someone sitting there, but he didn’t feel like conversation with guests and almost turned around before discovering it was Hope.

Probably all the more reason to turn around.

Alex had spent much of the day trying not to think about how good she had looked in her bikini this morning after her swim. Her swimsuit hadn’t been overly revealing, but what it had revealed was spectacular. No, he was content with his simple, uncomplicated life.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

He was not altogether pleased with his growing attraction to her or the complications it might bring. As he remembered the tattoo on her right shoulder, his pulse increased.

She turned her head and saw him standing there like an idiot. “Hey, you.”

Alex was moving before he knew it. He sat down next to her with a smile, relieved after their conversation this morning. Her explanation didn’t explain everything, though. Could her cool attitude be because she might be trying to deny an attraction to me? Maybe that was why she treated him differently than Gerold or Clark. “What are you doing out here at the edge of land?”

Hope sighed. “Feeling guilty. I gave myself a day off today, but I feel like I should be working. I’ve barely made a dent in anything.” Her voice was low pitched and had a sexy as hell huskiness. “I finally got Steve’s paperwork organized, and now Patti is showing me the booking software and front-desk policies.”

“You know what they say about all work and no play,” he teased.

She barked out a laugh, then got serious. “Believe me, I’m well aware.”

He sensed an undercurrent there, but didn’t want to push her away when they were finally on good footing. “And how was the snorkeling adventure?”

She turned her head to him. Her eyes were almost golden in the sunlight. Normally they were greenish brown, but now there were flecks of gold in them. “Interesting. The reef was beautiful. You were right about that. But the current picked up, and we had a hard time getting back to shore. I had to almost tow Denise back—she was wiped out. It was a bit scary.”

Alex raised his eyebrows. “Really? The current is usually mild there, though there is a new moon right now—that can increase the currents. Just goes to show that you always have to keep your wits about you where the ocean is concerned.”

She nodded, one leg swinging back and forth below her. “It got me to thinking some formal training might not be a bad idea. Does the scuba course go over situations where you have to help someone?”

“Yeah. You learn different ways of towing tired divers.” Alex poked her with his elbow, trying to ignore the warmth spreading inside his chest. “You thinking about getting certified?”

“Maybe.” She turned to him, and her smile grew. “But how do I know you’re a decent instructor?”

Alex grinned as his gaze zeroed in on her mouth. He quickly returned it to her face. “Want references, do you? Ask Tommy. I certified him a few years ago—took him through open water and advanced.”

Her eyes softened. “No, I’m just teasing. I’ve heard from plenty of guests how lucky we are to have you. What exactly is involved?”

“There are two classroom sessions, each followed by a pool session. Both sessions will be several hours, by the way. Then there’s two days of open water training at the end. I’m sure we could knock it out in less than two weeks.”

Her brow smoothed out. “That’s more extensive than I thought. It’s reassuring, though. How long have you worked here, anyway?”

Alex hesitated. “About five years.”

“Did you come here from another resort?”

“No. I was in the military.” His jaw tightened.
