Page 13 of Finding Hope


Alex lifted the final two tanks out of the water bath and carried them to the other side of the room, lining them up with the other full tanks. He turned off the air compressor and removed his protective ear cans, relishing the quiet. The late afternoon sun, combined with the heat from the compressor and the tanks as they filled with air, made the small room stifling. He escaped out the door and stood on the pier, letting the breeze wash over him before heading for the bar. It had been a long day, and he wanted a drink.

Alex walked toward the pool bar, surprised to see Steve seated at a table. The water whispered over the edge of the infinity pool as he passed by, and several guests relaxed under umbrellas. Alex smiled and nodded at two sisters walking down the beach. They’d been on the dive boat the last couple of days. Steve motioned for him to sit as he smirked.


“I was getting concerned those two women might give themselves whiplash when you walked by.”

Alex shot him a dirty look as Clark, the bartender, brought over two Leatherback beers. “You keep me busy enough without more complications.”

Clark smiled, showing his silver incisor, which sparkled against his dark face. “You want anythin’ else?”

Steve and Alex shook their heads, and Clark returned to the bar with its thatch roof. Alex looked around, surprised there weren’t more guests scattered around the sandy bar area. It was late afternoon and a beautiful day, with puffy white clouds drifting across the sky.

Steve took a long pull of his beer. “How were the dives today? Seems like we’ve got a good group of guests right now.”

Alex nodded. “They’re pretty good. Minimal babysitting and Oscar came out for a visit.” Oscar was an extremely large resident green moray eel. Alex hooked a thumb over his shoulder with a grin. “Thought I was going to have to rescue those two. They weren’t too happy about a six-foot moray doing circles around them.” Then Alex sobered. “Tommy told me when we got back to the dock the bilge pump is acting up again.”

Steve waved him off. “You guys can fix it. We’re too busy to do a deep inspection of the boat.”

Alex tried to keep from tensing. “Easy for you to say. You’re not the one out on the boat every day. But I imagine we can get the pump working again, and then I guess it becomes the new owner’s problem.”

Steve smiled at a family playing in the ocean. “Man, I’m going to miss this place. I’m ready to move on, but I have to admit, it’s harder than I thought it would be.”

“You sure you’re doing the right thing here?”

Steve looked at the bar, then at the tables scattered about in the sand. “Yeah, I’m sure. Doesn’t mean it’s easy, though.” He ran a hand through his graying hair. “I talked to the winner of the raffle, Hope Collins, a few days ago. First impression was good. She seemed nice. And she has experience in the hotel business.”

Alex snorted. “Well, I’m glad she’s nice, since we’re the ones who will have to deal with her.”

Steve winced. “I wouldn’t leave you guys with someone impossible. We ran the background check on her and it came back squeaky clean. She seems pretty normal to me.”

Alex stared at him. “Sounds fabulous.”

Steve laughed. “Oh, give me a break. I’m doing the best I can here.” Then he sobered. “My lawyer Al is working on all the paperwork to get everything transferred. He’s planning on sending it to her attorney in Chicago for signatures.”

Alex shrugged, not caring about the details of how his life was about to change drastically.

Steve sighed. “Can I give you some parting advice?”

“What, are you going to bolt tonight?”

“Relax, it’s a figure of speech. I’m still planning on staying six months. Or less if she’s a fast learner.” He leaned forward. “Look, I know what you’ve been through. Don’t let it define your life.”

Alex stiffened as he darted a glance around to make sure they weren’t overheard. “Trust me, you don’t know. You can’t.”

“Alex, you’ve been here five years, and I’ve never even seen you with a woman.”

He straightened and crossed his arms, glaring. “What? You want me to start screwing all the female guests now?”

“Don’t pull that intimidation crap on me. It won’t work.”

“Ok, Dad. But I can’t believe we’re having this conversation right now. This isn’t exactly any of your business.”

“All right, I surrender.” Steve leaned forward again. “Almost.”

Alex groaned and closed his eyes. “Oh my God.”