Page 9 of Finding Hope

“Yes, unfortunately. That’s why you’re so lucky to have me in your life. I always look after you. So, how is life after Kyle? You doing ok?”

“Yeah. I just feel numb. I wasn’t head over heels in love but getting dumped stings, you know?”

“I’m sorry, sweetie. You’ll meet your perfect match when the time is right. You’ll see.”

“Oh God, Sara.” Hope laughed. “You sound like a call-in radio host. Real life isn’t a movie. People are messy and complicated. I certainly am.” She got up to pour more wine.

“There’s nothing wrong with messy and complicated. That’s what keeps life interesting. And you deserve the happily-ever-after, Hope.”

“I already told you a man is the last thing I need. And real life isn’t a fairy tale. Can we change the subject, please?”

“Certainly, since it’s your big day. So, any big plans for tonight?”

Laughter erupted. It came out shrill, so Hope cleared her throat to cover. “Well, today is my thirty-sixth birthday, and I’m currently drowning my misery in a bottle of red wine. I quit my job this afternoon.”

“Are you serious right now?”

Hope sighed and closed her eyes again. “Not only did I not get the promotion, they gave it to a guy ten years younger, much less experienced, and from an outside company. It’s total bullshit. I’m much more qualified than he is.”

“Honey, you are definitely having an awful month! Did you really quit?”

“I told my boss I’d have my written resignation for him Monday. I quit in the heat of the moment, but I haven’t changed my mind since. I can’t believe I gave that company ten years of blood, sweat, and tears, and this is how they reward me. I’m an idiot.”

“I take it you don’t have another job lined up?”

Hope gave another slightly-unhinged laugh. “Nope. For the first time in a very long while, I’m flying blind. Everyone keeps saying I’m too predictable, so I guess I’m trying to shake things up a little.”

“I’m so sorry this happened to you. Do you remember my telling you a couple of weeks ago that maybe the universe was trying to tell you it was time for a change?”

“Yeah. This wasn’t the change I had in mind, though.” After ending the call, Hope stumbled straight to bed, exhausted and depressed.

* * *

Saturday morning greeted her with a steady snowfall accumulation building on her balcony. Hope sat on her couch in her fuzzy pajamas and slippers, drinking coffee as she searched for employment. What had started as fluttering butterflies escalated the longer she spent with her laptop. Now Mothra flew around in her gut.

There weren’t as many positions available as she’d thought. She’d been glued to her laptop for several hours now, searching every position near O’Hare, then widening the search area further. She found several management positions at hotels, but they would be lateral moves, and she wanted to move up.

I’ve had enough of sideways.

Hope was thinking of midlife career changes by Sunday, possibly finance or project management. She had moved her brooding job search to the armchair, hoping it would be better luck than the couch.

The problem was, she liked her job. She enjoyed working with a wide variety of people and interacting with the guests, the occasional idiot notwithstanding. Sitting up straight, Hope resumed the search.

She had some savings and wasn’t going to be out on the street anytime soon, but this was definitely an unsettling position for her. The only thing she was sure of was the piece of paper sitting on her coffee table.

She smiled at her letter of resignation.

* * *

Monday morning brought new iron to Hope’s spine as she walked through the hotel lobby with her official two weeks’ notice in hand. She smiled at Eduardo but didn’t stop to talk, heading straight to her office instead. I need to hand this to Terrance before I say anything to anyone else. By mid-morning, she figured enough time had passed for him to deal with any emergencies left over from the weekend.

Hope knocked on his open door. “Got a minute?”

He frowned at the sheet of paper in her hand. “Of course. Please sit down.” He straightened his tie. Red silk today. “Look, I thought about you a lot this weekend. Let’s come up with a plan to get you working toward a position you feel you’ve earned.”

“I’m sorry if I intruded on your Sunday sports, but the problem is that the position I feel I earned has already been awarded to someone else.” She paused, pleased when he shifted in his chair. “But you’re right about one thing—my career needs to move in a new direction. So as promised, here is my two weeks’ notice.”

“Come on, Hope. You don’t want this. I don’t want this. We can work it out.” He stared at the piece of paper like it might have the plague.