Page 68 of Finding Hope

Hope moved back to the window panel, but the room was now empty. Then Alex appeared, dressed in a staff T-shirt and board shorts and walking fully upright, though more slowly than usual. Surprise registered as he recognized her and opened the door, but he quickly covered it, his mask firmly in place.

“I brought you breakfast.” She held up the containers and smiled.

“Really? Thanks. I was getting ready to see who was on the dive board for this morning.”

“Uh, can I come in? Or do you just want me to hand you this and bolt?”

He laughed and stepped aside. “Please, enter.”

Hope swept into the apartment. “Nope, Alex. You’re taking today off. Robert came by yesterday and found us an extra boat, complete with a captain, until we can get a new one. I’ve got it all covered.”

She put the containers down on the table, which stood between an open-concept living room and kitchen. The apartment was nearly bare—nothing on the walls and no personal pictures or decor. Only an adjustable weight set in one corner. It was sterile, without life and so different from the Alex she knew. She peeked to the side at his bedroom with a queen-sized bed.

He has lived here for five years?

Alex came over to the table, still standing as he opened the containers. “You joining me? I can’t eat all this.”

“No. I just thought you might be hungry after yesterday.”

His eyes softened. “Thanks, but I’m fine. I don’t need today off.”

Her heart beat faster in her ears.

Here we go.

Hope started gently. “You went through one hell of an ordeal yesterday. I can hear how hoarse your voice is. You probably talked for hours. You’ve earned a break—take today off.”

“I slept great last night, and I feel pretty recovered.” He smiled softly. “I’m fine. You worry too much.”

Ok. Gentle didn’t work—let’s try strength.

Which was just as well. Her anger increased, and she narrowed her eyes at him, her hands clenched. “Don’t be a stubborn ass. It won’t kill you to rest a little. I’ve already made arrangements to cover today. It’s a done deal—you’re off today.”

She drew herself up to her full height, which wasn’t as intimidating as she wished, considering Alex was more than six inches taller. “Alex, as your employer, I forbid you from working today.”

“No. I’m working.” Now he wore a satisfied smirk, arms crossed.

“Goddammit, do I have to handcuff you to the bed?”

The smirk turned into a wide grin. “Oh, excellent suggestion!”

This is not the day for that.

She met his eyes, her chest tight now. “You are not ok.” Hope pressed her lips into a thin line and threw her hands in the air. “Why is that so hard to admit? You never take a day off. What is so horrible about relaxing a little? God! I’m not asking you to knit me a scarf, just to stay home. Would you stop being such a . . . a . . . man?” It was the worst insult she could come up with on short notice.

He laughed. “What would you suggest, a golden retriever?”

Hope sagged and looked at her hands, gritting her teeth as she tried not to tear up. “Look, I saw you. Just now, before I knocked on your door.” She met his eyes as he tensed. “I didn’t mean to pry, but you were right there in front of me. I saw your exhaustion.” She was shaking. “You looked like you could barely stand up.”

The tension in Alex’s shoulders eased a bit, and he walked stiffly over, brushing the hair from her brow. “I’m standing just fine now. Ok, I’ll admit I’m not twenty-five anymore, but I’m perfectly able to lead two dives. Send Robert home.”

It rose like a tsunami inside her, the tears and rage welling and building on the stress of yesterday.

There was no denying it this time.

The pressure and the fury continued building within her. She ground her teeth, and her shoulders started shaking.

Finally, she lost control.