Page 51 of Finding Hope

Alex’s face went blank, and Hope hurried in. “I’m showing Sara around the resort. We’d better be moving on. I know you’re really busy after the dive, and we—”

“I’m starving,” Sara interrupted, and turned to Hope. “You said they were serving lunch now. Alex, why don’t you join the two of us?”

“I’d love to. You can tell me all of Hope’s dirty laundry. Let me shower and change and I’ll join you in a few minutes.” He trotted up the stairs.

“Wait a minute,” Sara said to Hope. “He lives here too?”

Hope grabbed her arm and steered her down the pier. “Yes, he does. Sara, I don’t need you meddling in things. I mean it. We’re just friends and nothing more. He works for me for God’s sake.”

“You really haven’t slept with him?”

“No! Of course not.”

“Would you slow down? I’m shorter than you—I can’t walk that fast.” Sara shook her arm free. “Hope, have you suddenly switched teams? Because I can’t see any other reason—”

“God, you’re impossible. This is exactly why I didn’t tell you he was good looking. I knew you wouldn’t believe that a man and a woman can have a perfectly platonic relation—”

“Oh, save it. I need another beer.”

Hope guided them into the restaurant and to the most secluded private table in case there were any fireworks.

They verbally sparred for a few more minutes as Hope tried to set some ground rules. Clark appeared with two more beers. “You might as well bring Alex one too,” Hope said. He’s gonna need it.

Alex appeared at the edge of the restaurant and headed their way, wearing dressier shorts than normal and a light-blue button-up shirt that perfectly matched his eyes. That doesn’t help. Couldn’t you have worn earth tones or something?

His short sandy hair was neat, and he smelled like a breath of fresh air.

“I ordered you a beer.” Hope pointed to it.

“Thanks, but I’m teaching a refresher this afternoon so I’ll pass.” Charlotte brought over three menus and a pitcher of water with three glasses. Alex filled all three, then drank his in one shot.

“You can have my water if you want,” said Sara.

Alex smiled at her as he refilled his glass. “Diving dehydrates you, especially when you dive every day. I wouldn’t dream of taking yours.”

“Well, I can see you’re a gentleman,” Sara said. She took a drink of beer before setting the bottle down with formality. “Alex, I wanted to let you know that even though Hope is my big sister, I take it as my responsibility to watch out for her. This is especially important since she’s been known to make very poor decisions and has terrible taste in men.”

Hope choked on her beer. She looked up and Alex was smiling widely at her. A flush crept up her neck.

Sara held out her hand toward Alex. “I know. Don’t tell me. Hope has made it crystal clear the two of you have a very proper employer-employee relationship and only that. However, the fact remains you are an important part of the operation of this resort, and if I’m going to get any sleep, I must get to know you better.”

“I’ll help however I can,” he said gravely. He was clearly biting the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.

Sara folded her hands together on the table. “Hope tells me you were in the military. We have several family members who are part of the armed forces, so Hope and I hold the military in high esteem. What branch did you serve in?”

“Navy.” He wasn’t biting his cheek anymore.

“Our uncle was in the Navy. What did you do?”

“I was a Navy diver.” His jaw tightened, and his words were clipped.

Sara brightened. “Oh! Like in the movie?”

“What movie?”

“You know, the one with the guy with the big metal . . .” Sara twirled her index finger in circles around her head. “The metal thing on his head and the big suit and boots.”

A flush ignited Hope’s face, and she closed her eyes. When she opened them, Alex was watching her with an enormous grin on his face.